"Wow! You do all that in one night?" You ask your dad, already figuring out the code he used to do it.

"With some help from Steve, yeah. I did. Did you know he's the only one of us who actually knows how to play an instrument?"

"What does he play?"

"He wouldn't tell me. But I'm betting on the banjo."

"I say either piano or guitar. But here's a question, how does he still know how to play?"

Silence stretched between you, before your point struck him across the face. "I'm definitely going to do a snoop when we get back."


The two of you sped through the city, driving to breakfast. Apparently IHOP was the best breakfast choice, and your dad drove you straight over there. Music blasted from the radio, shuffling your favorite playlist. Some songs you added just for when your dad listens in, like Led Zeppelin or the Beatles. Most of it was songs you loved though, and it wasn't long until the two of you were jamming out.

Despite being extremely happy and showing it, you were actually quite confused. Usually Loki was up by now, and knowing him he'd probably be confused why you were gone. But when you looked for the feelings he felt, all you could find was giddy joy. That and relief. Was- was he happy that you were gone? It was your birthday and he was happy you were missing? Maybe he knew and was happy you were out and about instead of stuck at the tower. Maybe.

Nonetheless, you arrived at IHOP without a moment to lose. Well, it seemed you had a lot of moments to lose, and thus stayed extra long. You couldn't help but wonder why your dad seemed to be trying to procrastinate for something, although you appreciated the birthday meal all the same. IHOP pancakes couldn't compare with your own, although their crepes were pretty fantastic.

It was only after breakfast that you understood why he was trying to put off the visit. He was taking you to the bookstore. The one place you could actually buy the whole store and still not have enough. You could spend hours here- and given that you had practically the rest of the day- you really did.

Hours flew by, as you scanned the shelves and read descriptions. You loved bookstores with every fiber of your being, picking out too many books to carry home. Why couldn't stores that carried books have carts? Like, book carts you could stroll out to your car to make the trips so much easier?

Loki was still giddy, although he hadn't once called out to you. No sign of him all morning. It was concerning, although you let it slide. There was a reason. Knowing Loki, there was always a reason.

Inevitably your dad had to drag you back out, claiming a special lunch with you as well. This time you didn't go to a restaurant though, instead grabbing some hot dogs from a street cart and heading over to the park. It was a beautiful day, the sun never too hot and the shade never too cold. The breeze was humid, although not overly so that it ruined your hair. It truly was the best birthday you could have asked for.

It was while you were enjoying this beautiful day that your dad's phone beeped. He glance over at him, as he smiled as he picked it up. But this was a 'I can't wait for something secret that only I know about' smile, not his usual 'oh that's fun' smile.

"What's going on?"

"You shall see. But we have to head over to the curb to find out."

You smile at him, for once glad your whole day was planned out. It wasn't horribly packed, and allowed for time to relax. Even though it was mostly time spent at the bookstore, it was still relaxing. As you approached the curb, you couldn't help but shake the feeling something was about to happen. Evidently your dad knew all about it, which was the only reason you ignored the feeling.


(Loki's Pov)

"Here?" Steve asked Clint as he stood on a ladder holding up a giant banner. The men were helping put up the less particular pieces of decorations, although Loki had been cleared by Natasha to help with anything he chose to, as both the victim's soulmate and actually having a knowledge of style and delicacy. She hadn't told anyone else to his knowledge, which was relieving in such situations as these.

"Higher!" Clint shouted, as Steve moved it a tad higher. "No, that's too high!"

Loki huffed, annoyed this was taking them so long to figure out. With a snap of his fingers, the banner was exactly aligned with the other side and taped to the wall opposite.

"We had that under control you know." Steve called down, as they both realised who had done it.

"Evidently not, as you have been shouting over the matter for much longer than needed."

"We're not-"

"You've been ridiculously loud." Natasha's voice called from the elevator, as she, MJ, and another woman exited the elevator. "Loki, make sure they don't destroy the place. And you can't either."

"Did you- Did you just put Loki in charge?" Bruce sputtered, flabbergasted.

"No, Jarvis is. Loki's just in charge of decorating."

"Great. Ruled by a robot and an alien." Clint mumbled under his breath, although luckily no one else heard it.

"Do this for her, but do not screw it up." MJ whispered to Loki as they passed, as all three of them headed for the garage.

"Tony will be here in an hour or so, let him help but make sure he doesn't ruin everything we've done so far. Capichè?"

"Yep. Have fun!" Clint shouted, as the trio of badass-ness and party planning left. 

"Thor, stop eating all the popcorn!"

Found (Loki Soulmate Story) {COMPLETE}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें