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A/N ~

hey guys, it's me again :)

I decided to do a Loki fanfiction because a) why not? and b) who doesn't love loki?

again, may not follow the exact timeline of the movie but should hopefully be a little better than my Bucky one haha. there may also be some cursing too.

have a nice day, and please vote and comment if you enjoy!

"Y/N! On your left!" You look just in time to dodge the creature's swinging blade.

"Thanks, Steve!" You call out, and he nods as he takes out another creature. Stabbing every enemy in the vicinity, you swing your daggers, green blood spraying everywhere. Nat slashes one behind you as you shoot another one with a beam of burning white light. There were no words to really describe your powers, you had never truly understood them yourself. You could barely even control them. But, nonetheless, you were powerful, hence being allowed to come on missions such as this one, and you sure as hell could use a dagger.

Forming another beam of light into a sharp sword, you decapitate another creature before it has the chance to get to Clint. They didn't seem to stop coming, the thousands of green, almost human-like creatures that wielded strange, yet sharp blades.

"Watch out!" Clint yells as you step to the side, wincing in pain as the blade grazes the side of your arm. Without thinking twice, you stab the creature, causing it to stagger backwards before falling to the ground.

Steve walks over to you. "Was that the last of them?"

You shrug. "I think so. Are any of you hurt?" Nat and Clint shake their heads as they come over to join you.

"I'm exhausted though. They didn't seem to stop coming," Nat sighs, wiping the green goop off of her blade.

"Let's get back to the jet, I need a shower desperately," you say, gesturing to your clothes drenched in the green blood.

"Why does their blood even have to be green? It's disgusting," Clint complains as you strap yourselves in the quinjet.

"Maybe they weren't thinking of how much of an inconvenience it would be to you," Nat retorts and he scowls. She looks over to you. "Y/N, is that blood?" She points to your arm, where red was starting to stain the fabric of your sleeve.

"Yeah, but it's nothing a band-aid can't fix. If Clint hadn't told me to move out of the way, it would've been a lot worse." Her eyebrows bunch together but she doesn't press the matter further. She had always looked out for you, almost like the sister you'd never had before,

The rest of the trip consisted of exhausted silence, all of you too tired to say anything. You were feeling especially drained, as overusing your powers was extremely wearing on your body. You had only recently learnt to use the beams of light to conjure and form weapons at demand, and while it was extremely useful, you still hadn't learnt how to fully control it or make it last for as long as you needed it to.

"Sheesh. You guys look rough," Tony greets you, taking a bite of his sandwich as you walk into the kitchen.

"Maybe you should try being outnumbered by ninety freaky aliens and having to fight them all at once," you say, dropping your gear before heading to your room. You really needed that shower.

"Pleasant greeting as always, Y/N," Tony calls down the hall after you.


You stare at your hands as the hot water from the shower hits your back. Turning them over a few times, you clench your eyes shut, trying to ignore the memory.

Horror flooded your body as the lightning-hot beam shot out of your hand and into the house. It burst in a flash, pieces of wood and rubble flying out.

What had you done?

"Mom, Dad..." You fell to your knees as you stared at your hands, fear and guilt flooding every inch of your body. How could you? You were a monster.

Sighing, you run your hands under the warm water, the heat soothing the aching joints in your knuckles.

Steam rushes out of the bathroom as you step into your bedroom, feeling a lot more relaxed than you did ten minutes ago. You flop onto your bed, grabbing the most recent book you started as you take advantage of your free time.

You knew it wouldn't last forever though, and you guessed right as a knock on the door sounded. "Come in!"

You grin as Natasha walks through the door. She was probably your closest friend ever since you joined the Avengers, and you wouldn't of been able to survive without her.

Settling the book down beside you, you draw your knees to your chest as you pat the spot on the bed next to you, inviting Nat to sit down.

"Hey," she greeted.

"Hey. What's up?"

"Just wanted to see how you were doing. You fought really well with your powers today," she smiled as you frowned. She knew how reluctant you still were at using your powers, and had made it her goal to help you control them better.

"Thank you Nat, but I can see what you're doing."

She lifts an eyebrow in pretend confusion. "What am I doing?"

"I still don't think I should be using my powers on missions. What if I misfire, and hurt someone accidentally? I still don't even know the full extent of what I can do yet!"

She sighs, crossing her legs as she faces you. "You just can't handle the fact your one of the most powerful people on the team. You have to start seeing your potential and stop doubting yourself so much!" She stands, holding her hands out. "Come on, Tony's ordered pizza for dinner since none of us are bothered to cook, and I know how much you love free food."

You laugh as you take her hands, letting her lead you out of your room.

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