chapter 10

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Okay, you screwed up.

Not just at the infirmary meeting with Freckle Boy a few days ago, but for the entire week that has passed.

Why? Why him? That's the question. You had never engaged in a proper conversation with the boy, and now he seems to be in every corner you turn. It wasn't until Monday morning, when you arrived late to class, that you realized he sits two seats in front of you. He greeted you good morning—like any normal, polite human being—and you rushed to the bathroom in a spark of panic.

Just... why?

You started acknowledging how present he actually is in your daily routine. How often he dashes to the back of the classroom, stands next to your seat, and speaks with Todoroki. How frequently he participates in class and how—somehow—you have a front-line view of the back of his head (if we ignore Mineta's weird hair-sticky balls, of course).

For the past two days, it seems like you have made an international sport called 'Avoiding Midoriya Izuku at all costs challenge.' Every time you detect him at least five feet away from you, you rush to Mina's seat, Kyoka's seat, or Momo's or Kirishima's. One time, you went to Denki's and played with electroshocks.

He wasn't even coming towards you; he was only living his life, leaving you like a total creep.

So now, you are stepping out of Class 1A's classroom, carrying a bunch of crumpled-up English and History homework, a white binder, and four beefy-looking books. You sigh tiredly, making your way into the hallway, silently praying you wouldn't trip, fall over, or bump into anybody. You hear a big BAM! from behind you, probably the class door opening.

"(y/n)!" Mina surprises you from behind, her jumpy attitude nearly causing you to drop everything. She's quick to react, placing half on her arms, "What'cha doing? It's lunchtime, remember?"

You bobble your head, "I know." You groan. "I was hoping to speed run to my dorm, drop this, and then come back. But now that I think about it—bad, baaad idea."

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2023 ⏰

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