the younger stared at the older, puzzled. "what happened?" 

"run out of gas." mark simply said, harshly rubbing his hands on his face. they found themselves hopping out of the car with mark opening the hood of the car and donghyuck trying to find a signal on his phone.

throwing his hands in the air, he lets out a groan while observing the cellular signal that is on the screen, letting out annoyed noises when the bar kept going lower. right after donghyuck step on a specific spot, he heard a bizarre sound coming from the woods, causing the younger to let out a high pitch scream, swiftly hugging anything he can hold onto.

and that anything just happened to be mark.

mark put whatever he's doing on hold, and looked down at the younger that is tightly hugging his waist with his eyes closed tightly like his life depends on it. cute

coughing, he lightly ruffles donghyuck's hair, resulting for donghyuck to snap out and open his eyes and that's when he realized what he's doing. instantly, he peeled his body away from the older, "oh, sorry.." he doesn't know what's the sorry for but his mouth is speaking for itself here. "can we just get out here please."

donghyuck voice came out more shaky out of fear, as he looks around at the dark. the only thing he can see right now is the faint light coming from the moonlight, and the tiniest bit coming from his phone that is surely going to pass out anytime.

mark simply nods and grabbed his phone in his back pocket, hoping that they can positively get out from this but to least expect it, "my phone died," mark groans, first his car ran out of gas, and now this? such luck he got here. "great just what i wanted." the older sarcastically said.

"where are you going?" donghyuck asked when he saw the older walking completely in the opposite direction of him.

"finding a way to get out here?" mark told, as he continues to walk at the leafy, dark path.

of course, donghyuck here being a scardy cat, caught up beside the mark as fast as possible. "are we just going to leave the car there?" donghyuck asked, his hands reaching the older without even realizing it.

he tries to look back on the vehicle, but he can only see darkness.

"we really can't do anything about it—"

mark's sentence immediately got cut off by the younger scream when he heard yet another bizarre sound from the woods. this caused him to jump in front of mark, hiding his face on the taller's chest while tightly hugging his waist. "what was that?!"

"this kid." mark mumbles to himself, shaking his head. "get behind me."


donghyuck found himself being carried behind mark's back while they continue to walk down the darkness. if you're going to ask him right now, yes he's enjoying it but, "am i heavy?"

soulmate. markhyuckOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora