Athena and I looked at her, as if she's gone crazy.

"Though," Athena starts, "it is true it will help them get off of Aphrodite's curse."

"What, now?!" I poke in my few words, "What in the gods is that?!"

Athena blinked, staring at me cluelessly. "Oh, yes! I almost forgot that you weren't here the last millemia," Athena smiles, "Beauty's Curse. It's like the living example of Romeo and Juliet, two guys are always in hand for One woman. And that leads to bloodshed and war, to help the men's urging want for the main woman. Another example, the Trojan War."

"So, what your saying is, the Trojan War did existed?" I ask, shock evident in my voice. 

"Of course!" shouted Artemis, though I guess it wasnt loud as another batch of fireballs were thrown above us. We all ducked. 

Athena sighed, "Yes. And right now, is the Trojan War 2.0." I nodded, understanding.

"But still their both our friends, aren't they? We should stop it before both of 'em dies for being reckless. I mean I love the girl, Dite. But this is the modern days. No need to settle things the old way, not right now when the Elites are rising, am I right?" I explain, my voice in a serious but law-like voice.

"Right," breathed Athena, looking at me with wide eyes.

"You are going to make a great-" Artemis' words got muffled by a suudden clamp of Hestia's hand.

"Children, enough chit chat, we must deal out the young men before they cause war down in the mortal world," Hestia spoke, looking at me, directly.

"Wait, what was she gonna-" A hand blocked out the rest of my words. Athena stared at me in wonder.

"Let's talk later, now let's make a plan." I nodded, her hand still firmly planted on my lips.

She removed it as she stared at the two goddesses, "Any ideas?"

"And quick, too," Hestia advised, looking over the couch, "Their about collapsing in death."

I peeped too, and wretched my gaze away. The only think I caught in my sight was ichor, immortal blood.

"Um, maybe we could just charge and pull them apart?" Artemis suggested. Athena whacked her in the arm.

"Stupid idea, next."

"Perhaps, we could get Aphrodite here and put an end to this with her calming presecnce here?" Hestia asked, with an eyebrow cocked.

"Well, possibly, but I don't think Dite's ready for such a choice," Athena countered, "We'll keep it back up though. Definitely."

And as they talked ideas, I couldn't help but feel compelled to look at the fight again. And this time I was able to make out hazy figures of guys who were too busy trying to stab each other to notice the stupidest idea I came on mind. 

And before I could chicken out, I moved, jumping over the couch. The power of hoping to stop the fight echoed through my reckless mind. I ignored the sudden shouts and yells and instead I moved quicker. 

As Ares was about to finish Hep, by a stab in the chest, in the heart or not, I stepped in between them. Stupid, I know but it worked. It was like slow motion as the knife came to my neck, I felt a sudden power, a rush of pure euphoria.

And as that spread, a thunderous push made me knock the war god off his feet and against the hard wall. He slipped unconsicious. As I wide eyed, just was hyperventilating at what I just did. I only thought to stop him from hitting the both of us, seems like instead I hit him with a blow that sent him in the dark.

And if that wasn't more horrible, the room was quiet. No shouts, yells or comments. Just pure peace and quiet. I turned to look at the goddesses who looked shock, mouths dropping and gapping at the slumped war god.

Before a fit of tears could overcome me I ran from the scene, leaving 4 shocked immortals and a knocked out war god. You have no idea, of the shock and the wth, that I was feeling. As I roamed the unfamiliar hallways, I couldn't help but to find myself lost. 

I was kinda tired, as I reached the walls for support, and I stumble to a door that had hearts artistically covering the white paint. Hoping the room belonged to Dite, I fell into the dark too, leaving a trail of questions that formed with every breath, in and out.


"Wake up. Oh, come on Kate, Wake Up!" an almost shrilling voice yelled, shaking me. I grumbled and shoved my head back into my neck.

"Go away," I mutter, trying to push the person away.

"Kate, it's Dite," Dite begins, "And it would be great, if you woke up and told me why you were literally passed out at my door, not too mention that you looked so drained. Would you please tell me?"

I made my final groan and I reluctantly get up, and stare at the tear streaked love goddess. I frown, "Hey, what happen?"

She gives a humorless laugh, "What happened? Love, that's what happened. But never mind that, tell me."

"Fine. But your telling me your stuff after. Deal?" I eye her from a side view, and she merely nods.

"Weell I was in the living room and Ares burst in. So Hep and Ares got in a fight," I say.

"Hep?" she questions, a blond eyebrow lifting.

"Oh, Hephaestus. A nickname since his name is long," I answer, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion.

"It's just, I call him that. Hep, that's my name for him... too," she speaks, and her face, I notice hardens just a inch. Was she jealous?

I don't push it but simply nod and continue. "Well, yeah. So they had a fight over you."

"Me?" Dite asks again, "Why? I don't deserve their fight for me."


"Nothing, just continue." And I do.

"Well, we all tried to figure out a idea to get them to stop. And so me, being dare devil Kate for a second, I ran in between them, and I just wanted to make Ares stop hitting. And instead something pushed him into a wall making him pass out. And I left before anyone said anything," I finish.

"Why?" breathed Dite.

"Why what?" I ask, confused.

"Why did you stop them?" she asked in a voice that tole me this was a wanted answer question. 

"Uh, because they were gonna kill each other?" I ask in question.

Dite's face crumbled as she placed her head in her palms, "And it's all my fault." I think I heard her whisper.

"Would you mine telling me why?" I ask, sliding from the bed to her. 

A emotionless chuckle came from her, "I just wanted you to be my friend without knowing my past. I was so horrible back then. I refused you to let you see that side. But again it's like fate has its own ideas."

"I-I" I begin.

"Kate, I'm gonna tell you a story," she states, looking at me. Her tears re-streaking as her eyes met mine.

"Again?" I try to joke.

"Get ready, your gonna hear my life's story," Dite says instead. And I hold her hand, because even if I don't know what's gonna happen. I know this love goddess is gonna need some love.


Another Update! Short but it really helps to roll into Aphrodite's (Dite's) story. And if you guys don't know, it's a Greek Myth. (Look it up, if you want.)

And also if your out there, it would be helpful to get me characters for the guys. Because, sadly I got nothing. :|


Oi, its really good to know u guys care. :3

Ok, well nite and make sure you do your hw.


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