✈︎ Chapter Twenty-Six

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Guys remember there's timeskips and I don't usually mention it beforehand.

Just a heads up...


"babe, why'd you do that?" Jeno sighs as he puts the first aid kit on the coffee table while applying some ointment to help Jaemin's goddamn black eye.

"He was harassing you, of course I had to step in." His dear boyfriend shrugged as he kept holding the pack of ice onto his swollen eye.

You see, let me give a quick recap for you all.

It's the weekend, being it as the weekend means Jeno wants to try some things humans do. Well, what his demon friends say they do, and they do it too.

He wanted to try to go clubbing. Who did he get this idea from? Obviously, Ten.

Jaemin protested at first, knowing a few things about getting drunk and having low alcohol tolerance at late at night especially without someone with you is dangerous.

Also because he went to a few missions before when he was still an immortal angel and he and his friends would go explore the places on earth.

To put it simply. He's whipped for Lee Jeno. And said boy had easily made him change his mind as long as he's with the demon boy.

So they went to a nightclub, where Ten was coincidentally (not really) at for who knows what type of deed he has tonight, and they tried to have fun.

That is until Jaemin went to the bathroom to wash his hands and at the same moment, Jeno was being approached with some stranger who smelled like he hadn't showered for days.

And as Jeno's boyfriend who swore to protect him at all cost, as soon as he got out to see what's happening, kindly (attempted) to tell the guy to back off of his boyfriend.

Said guy only chuckled before stepping closer in Jeno's space. Reached a hand out to brush Jeno's hair behind his ear before the demon boy moved and as he did that.... Jaemin landed a punch at the guy.

All hell (not literally, what the fuck–) broke loose as Jaemin and the stranger were landing fists at each other.

Jeno called Ten up, rolling his eyes when the elder was trying to seduce a human to probably be his slave, and dragged him to the fighting scene.

Needless to say, Jaemin ended up with just a black eye, to their luck, and the stranger had a few bruises before Ten used his spells on him. They don't know what happened next because they left as soon as possible.

"You didn't have to pick up a fight with him, we could've just left the place without any of us getting a punch on the face." Jeno grunted.

"Well, he didn't back off–"

"And that's what I meant by leaving the place immediately, if he followed us, we could've called help or something. I can still use my powers, Jaemin." Jeno rolled his eyes.

The elder pursed his lips and kept quiet, Jeno just called him 'Jaemin' instead of any nickname or petname he usually calls him by. And it wasn't a sweet tone used either.

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