✈︎ Chapter Twenty-Five

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"a bee and a human? In love? How is that–"

"It's an old movie, Babe. People might think Ken is a psycho and is overdramatic, but he's just being realistic here." Jeno shushes him.

Jaemin raised an eyebrow, "I can't believe humans made this movie, makes sense most of these scenes and the script are... Odd." He mumbled, draped his arm around Jeno's shoulders.

The blue haired boy chuckled and swallows down his popcorn before speaking, "you just can't move on with the 'we're all cousins' part earlier, huh?"

"Well yeah– it's like they made this in the same era as Cleopatra's life, where being in a relationship with someone you're related to was still a thing." Jaemin comments.

"Oh dear, I remember when Haechan was flying around to mess with some humans that time, he had a small crush on Cleopatra but Jisung said she was actually ugly and it's just a rumor about how beautiful she was." Jeno stated.

"She wasn't the prettiest, I was messing around that time with my powers too. I saw her and it kinda reminds me of those myths about mermaids being so pretty or whatever." The elder said

"Do you think they are, though?" Jeno hums as he tilts his head, staring at the tv screen where Barry was swimming in some honey pool.

"Even if I say they are, you're the prettiest, Jeno." Jaemin smiles, "no one could beat you, you're just so ethereal and lovable." He said.

At first, Jeno thought the raven haired boy was just joking or teasing him again, but he smiles back when he scans Jaemin's face full of genuineness.

"Jaemin..." he sighs and pauses the movie with the remote control. He sits up properly and places the bowl of popcorn on the table in front of them. "Are we... Dating?"

The elder raised a brow at him in confusion before Jeno speaks up again to add on what he meant.

"I know I said this is our date, and I called you 'babe' like the pet name, and we both basically confessed. But... Are we official? You never... Asked me..."

"Oh, darling..." Jaemin coos at him and places his hand on Jeno's hip, "I'm sorry I never asked you, I guess we were just so into it that I thought I basically did." He admits.

Smiling, he lifts his other hand onto Jeno's nape. "But if you're ready, we can be official starting today."

"But if not, that's okay. Because while we're waiting for you to be ready, I basically called dibs on you." Jeno laughed at his words and sighs dreamily.

"Of course I want to, I just got confused and didn't want to like– get ahead of myself." He chuckled with his cheeks heating up in embarrassment.

Jaemin tsks multiple times in a teasing manner. "You're one adorable demon," he snorts.

He glances down to Jeno's lips as the younger was chewing on his lower lip, waiting in anticipation while his fingers were intertwined together fiddling.

"Can I k–"

He was interrupted when he felt Jeno's lips on his before the boy pulled away quickly, "don't ask." He mumbled. "I was getting impatient."

Wings Of Love ✈︎ ∫ JaemJen【✔】Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt