✈︎ Chapter Seventeen

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"what?" Jaemin flabbergasted, "Jeno, I don't think that's a good idea." He gulped dryly.

The blue haired boy grunts, "and why is that?" He sneered crossing his arms like a child with a pout.

If the situation wasn't serious and the younger wasn't on edge ready to fire some flames anytime by the wrong move, Jaemin would've cooed and said something cheesy.

"Because I'm here." Jaemin pursed his lips. "I'm one of the most likely known creatures called, angels. I'm basically your enemy as well as your dad's." He explains hesitantly trying to find the right words that wouldn't possibly rile up Jeno more.

Jeno hummed while pondering in thought, eyebrows knitted together with his lips pursed. Jaemin bit back a smile.

"Then stay."

"What? Didn't you jus-"

"He won't do anything when I'm here, and I don't want to be alone in this conversation. You're my friend anyway," the blue haired boy shrugged as he grabs Jaemin by the wrist.


"Jaem." Jeno drawls turning around to face the elder as they both halted at the door to the studies. He juts his bottom lip out to perhaps persuade the elder.

All Jaemin could do was stare back at those goddamn eyes, admiring them for a moment and weirdly cherishing this moment before he remembered, 'oh right, I'm bouta meet Satan and die.'

With a long very exaggerated sigh, Jaemin nodded his head silently with a crooked smile trying to show off he's fine, but instead looked ridiculous like those school yearbook pictures.

Jeno smiles back more brightly and that was the first time he has ever looked back to normal after who knows how long of him destroying things and getting angry.

Jaemin lets himself get dragged lazily by Jeno inside the studies, slightly looking around to see how neat and tidy the area was. 'I wish I could have the patience to tidy up shit.'

They both stopped somewhere in the middle of the room as Jeno rushes to grab some candles and... What the fuck, is that blood?

"Who's blood is that? Are you sacrificing me? Holy shit man, on second thought I'm backing out." He panicked while staring at the bottle of blood on Jeno's grip.

The blue haired boy rolled his eyes with a small chuckle, "this is demon's blood. One of those bastards that crossed the line and had to be sacrificed."

When Jaemin thought that was the end of Jeno's explanation, it wasn't. "If you're wondering what's his name, it was either Richard or Rick?" The younger hummed staring at the bottle.

The black haired boy nodded stiffly before watching Jeno proceeding to do whatever he needed to do to summon his father. And that was a ritual.

Once he heard Jeno stop mumbling things with his eyes slightly glowing that light shade of red, probably a demon thing when reciting a spell, he held his breath in anxiousness.

Smoke was flowing in the middle of that ritual sign area thing whatever it's called, Jaemin didn't listen to what Jeno said because he was too busy staring at Richard's blood, before a figure appeared more clearly.

Satan grins with his sharp teeth showing as he opened his arms for an awaiting hug. "Ah, my little boy~ how are y-"

"I'm so mad at you!" Jeno's temper rose up again as he finally fired a fireball towards his dad who immediately caught it before disappearing it with a spell.

"What the- what's wrong my boy?" Satan softened while he scans his son's angry aura, to be honest, he was anxious.

It was so rare for Jeno to act like... A demon.



"Y-you, you," Jeno stammered with his pupils shaking and he was this close to transforming into his demon form.

Jaemin just quietly observed, too scared to either get noticed by Satan or get aimed at with a fireball by Jeno. He doesn't know which one's worst.

"Take your time, blaze. Deep breaths," Satan instructed slowly yet gently while he tries to literally not set his son on fire by said son himself.

Jeno, even though he was angry for who knows what, took some deep breaths like he was told as he calmed down after a few minutes later.

"Now, tell me what's wrong. What did I do to make my boy so upset?" Satan cooed at the end to brush some of Jeno's bangs away to meet his eyes.

The blue haired boy scoffed before stepping back with a small growl.

"You disguised one of your demons to be this guy named 'Fred' to be my friend?! Are you kidding me?" He exclaimed.

His sudden outburst made his dad flinch and Jaemin had to hold back a laugh seeing how one of the scariest and hated creatures and rulers got scared, by their child.

"Blaze, calm do-"

"No!" Jeno cuts his father off with a groan. "Do you know how annoying it is to find out that your first ever 'supposed human' friend was exactly like you? I feel set up!"

"But, I was just trying to-"

"What dad? Trying to what?!"

"I was just trying to protect you." Satan sighed deeply, "I couldn't settle down back there in the underworld without worrying of my only son to possibly get hurt."

"Haechan literally visits me! You can ask him how the frick I'm doing here and he can tell you!" The blue haired boy huffs.

"You don't need to summon one of your slavery demons and disguise them as humans while putting a spell on them to hide their glow and smell, it's so annoying." He grumbled.

Satan frowned, "I'm sorry. I was just really worried and I really wanted to make sure you're fine here."

"I am fine here!" Jeno exclaimed with his hands in the air while speaking, "I'm not a kid anymore, dad." He then ended with a sigh.

Satan pursed his lips nodding curtly before tilting his head. "Hold on, how did you find out about Fred if I already casted a spell on him?"

Rolling his eyes, Jeno turns to point an accusing finger at Jaemin who froze and widened his eyes. "My real friend, Jaem, told me."

"Dear God, is this how I die as a human? Quick, Chenle and Joshua tell me right now-"

"Ah, so you're Jaemin?"

"Fuck, fuck, fuck all of you, Jeonghan help me! Renjun I hate you but save me-"


Hi, uhm please read my recent announcement on my message board (if y'all want cuz it's not really important ahahah) so y'all won't be confused or so lol

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