I accelerated my car and took a turn on the next street before finally coming in fifth the college. I saw Paris standing there and talking with someone, but what baffled me was the unknown girl pushed her and stepped closer.

Her figure turning more intimidating, and she cowered in fear, the transparent tears descending down her pink cheeks. Anger bubbled inside of me and I turned my car off before getting out of it, her eyes averted and widened when she saw me approaching them.

"What's going on here?"

No matter how much I wanted to crush the girl's wrist, I couldn't. It would go against my morals and I for once wanted to give in to the temptation.

"N-Nothing," the silky voice of my baby reached my ears but I didn't believe her. As much as I wanted to put her on my lap and teach her a lesson, I needed to know what was the cause of her fear.

"I always knew you were a putain de pute, but I don't know you fucked older men."


As soon as the girl let out the words, I glared at her, stepping in front of Paris, my body went rigid on its own.

"If you don't leave in the next three seconds, expect a broken jaw. Один два три-"

[One, two, three-]

The girl scoffed before flipping her hair and leaving but I caught the look of fear in her eyes. Turning back around I saw Paris, fisting her hands on my suit and tears escaping her eyes. Bending down I wiped the tears out of her beautiful face with the pad of my thumb, I kissed her forehead and hugged her.

She whimpered against my chest and heartfelt a little heavy at the sight of the tears.

"It's okay, little one. The mean girl is not here anymore, sh," I cooed at her before she took a step back and wiped her tears with the back of her hand.

"T-Thank you, Mr. Kuzentsov."

"Come on." I took her hand and opened the car door for her before she climbed in and I shut the door behind her. Getting in I started the car before driving off.

I knew she was still upset, and I knew exactly where she could have fun. As I drove I couldn't help but notice the little girl sitting beside me. She had her hands scrunched up in her lap, and leaning her head against the window. Her eyes were dark and small sniffles could be heard from her.

Taking her hand in mine, her eyes widened in shock, sparks flew when our skins touched. Her hands were soft as if they were made of silk, her dainty fingers fit mine perfectly.

My hands were rough, hard and hers were soft and I couldn't help but feel that they were made for each other. My heart started to beat faster just at the mere touch, my eyes zeroed on the road but my mind was still hanging on our tangled hands.

It was a small touch and yet my heart jumped at the way she squeezed my hand from time to time. My self-control was slipping from my hands, I knew I couldn't, I shouldn't, but my urge to kiss her, to touch her in the most intimate of ways just wouldn't stop.

I imagined the way our skin would feel when they would touch each other, the heat in between of us, our moans and groans would fill the room. My cock jumped in arousal and I shifted in my seat, I needed to calm down, but the images just kept coming in. Sheer whimpers when I would tie her to the bed and devour her when or I would choke her leaving her gasping for air while eating her out.

I cleared my throat before focusing on the road, I was sure my balls were blue at the moment. I noticed that we have reached our destination, parking my car I got out of it before opening the door for her.

Her eyes swirled in confusion before they lightened up at the view. A grin formed on her face and I swear I felt my heart stop. Her eyes twinkled in amazement, and she jumped on her toes before looking at me.

"W-Where are we?"

"I found this place when I came here a year back, I just didn't find anyone to bring with,"

"Thank you, Mr. Kuznetsov."

I took her hand before leading her to the lone tree, the cliff was beautiful. The sound of birds chirping could be heard, the sun was a shade of orange and red. The tree provided a shadow for us to sit in, the soft breeze just made it more peaceful.

"So, tell me about yourself,"

"W-Well, I'm nineteen and my parents live in the outskirts of the city,"

"And friends?"

"I-I don't have many friends, I like to be alone, when I'm with others it is overwhelming. And no one's... ever wanted to be my friend."

"And what do you do when you're alone?"

"I read, I sometimes paint too. I just forget about everything when I'm painting."

"So you're an artist?"

"N-No! I'm not that good, but I know a bit, a-and what about you? Do you have any friends?"

"I like to be alone, just like you,"

"And family?"

"They died a long time ago when I was a kid,"

"I'm sorry,"

"Don't worry, I grew up in an orphanage, and when I was eighteen a nun took me in,"

She sighed before laying down in the dirt and her hands laid on her stomach. Following her action, I laid beside her but this time taking her hand in mine. The moment would have been perfect if we were couples, but my mind didn't allow it, we were not supposed to be together. I was a widower, and yet, my heart screamed at me to kiss the girl beside me.

To say that I was smitten by her just like a fucking teenager, the inner turmoil had eaten me alive. I couldn't decide what was good or what was bad. She was an angel she deserved better than me but I was selfish, if I couldn't have her I could at least keep her closer to me.

Minutes passed before I heard soft snores from her, turning my head I looked at Paris. Her eyes were fluttered closed, her mouth slightly opened, and shallow breathing and indicated to me she fell asleep. Chuckling I picked her up, before carrying her inside the car. Closing the door I climbed in too before tucking her in my jacket, starting the engine I started driving.

Soon we reached her house, I didn't want to wake her up but I didn't have a key, shaking her slightly her eyes opened slowly. Confusion swirled in her eyes before she wiped her mouth and looked at me.

"I-I fell asleep?"

"Yeah, I knew you were tired but I didn't have a key, so, I had to wake you up,"

"T-Thank you, Mr. Kuznetsov."

"Go on now, little one."

Clicking her seatbelt open she opened the door of the car before climbing out, she turned around and waved at me before running inside her house. Sighing, a smile slid onto my face, and I started to drive again.



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