About AoT Ch 139 and my ending

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tbh, i think i already knew about how aot was going to end but i didn't think it would be like that way. I already felt that something huge was foreshadowed by Willy Tybur on his speech that Eren is the representation of 145th King Fritz who framed the Tyburs and Helos as the ones who saved the world (The Tyburs and Helos were the representation of the Alliance.) I was thinking it would be Armin who will kill Eren, but I never expected it to be Mikasa.

Even though I knew quite about the ending, I didn't want it. I don't want a second Code Geass smh. I already knew the ending was going to be Zero Requiem shit (Not hating Code Geass) So I changed the ending to outside world extinction because violence was always the answer in the stories i make 😌

Anyways, Eren is a well written character to be honest. He's like Gabi from an annoying mf to a great person.

They both had the greatest character developments. idc about hate comments but i kinda want everyone to understand Gabi :) sure she was annoying and stupid af with a large head but she's a great person now.

That's all.

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