i snatch my arm out and grab the first person, "Get the king!" i snarl at them. 

"y-yes Prince Wrath." they then rush away. 

"HURY!" i roar. standing and staring at the door with my crying mate behind. i can't hear him, but i can feel him and it's not a friendly feeling. 


"He's in labour, his contractions started MINUTES AGO, the pregnancy is only FIVE MONTHS IN!" i pant, "He...he's not making this-" i pant. he grabs my shoulders. 

"he'll live, trust me, he's your mate, he'll die for twenti four hours and wake up again feeling a bit groggy, it's going to be okay-"

"but what if it isn't, you can't promise something like-"

"Prince Wrath, if it might ease your nerves, your mate is doing very well, it's painful, but we're getting him into an C-section which will assure he and the babies are safe, they'll all survive." i turn and see a Witch, she's smiling to me, "it's fine, their beautiful." she smiles making me relax.

"alright-" i say and walk in, draging my brother on with me. 

"Wrath, i need to go back to the party-"

"no you don't." i cut hum off casually and go in to see Rain with a curtain over him. i smile to him and he smiles back, "how do you feel?" i ask and he shrugs.

"i don't know, i can't feel anything." he whispers making me smile. i take his hands and take deep breaths. 

"alright, we're starting." they say and i focus on Rain. 

they stitch him up and all of them are out. however, theirs only three cries at the moment. the last of the litter making no sound. "is everything okay?" i ask, but non of them speak to me. the Witch begins to mutter a spell and the farie holds the runt in it's hands before it begins to glow, "SPEAK!" I demand. then the baby begins to cry.

"there you go." he coos making me sigh. i look down to Rain when i feel his hand go limp. my eyes widen, "don't worry, he's exhausted, has been all day." he reasures me, "would you like to meet your children?" he asks and i look to my brother who smiles. i nod and give Rain a kiss before going over to them. seeing the two boys, the most goreous little girl and the cutest runt. i smile. 

"i hope your all ready." i whisper, "because it's nothing but drama from now on." i smile down to them. this is so overwhelming....but a good overwhelming. and their deffinatly an interesting mix. they all look alike. my two boys are identical apart from the fact that one of them has green eyes like me and the other has....isn't that precious. one blue eye, one green eye like Rain. they also both have wings, my wings. so beautiful. they are normally born in a cocoon of their wings, if not then it's C-section so their not damaged during birth. my baby girl is just precious. she's looking up at me with the most beautiful blue eyes. dark around the outside but so bright and glows in the middle, around the iris. she looks so curious right now. she has ears and a short tail, not yet grown. fur glued to her head, so thin too. then theirs our little boy. and indeed. he has only one, adorable, pointy ear. his knee ends on a stump, his tail is...TINY. have you ever seen a foel's tail? before it's tail has grown, it's adorable. and he too, has one green and one blue eye......how did we get such the combination? surely, their wouldn't be two one green, one blue eyed babies, that's rare. but then again......these are royal quads. how did we even end up with fucking quads? multiples don't run in our families!...well, mine anyway. i should probably call Rain's parents. 

i turn, looking over to see Rain completely knocked out. sleeping without a care in the world. his mouth wide open for all the flies and snoring for everyone to hear. i do hope the snoring was just because of pregnancy and not perminant. i hope so too. 

i let out a breath and look to Neron who stares down at our little runt with a look of sorrow, "problem?" i hum. he looks to me. 

"you knew?" he asks and i nod.

"of course i did, what do you take me for? you? or just a Fool?" i question making him roll his eyes. "but i know-" i sigh, "luckily, non of this is going to be an issue for life, he's healthy, perfectly healthy and when he gets old enough to walk he'll get a substitute that will allow him to be able to walk, i'm not quite sure if the lack of an ear will effect his hearing, it probably is going to." i explain. he goes down to touch him but i simply kick him away, "Filth!" i hiss and coo, "aw, i know, he's such a stupid prat." i coo making my brother glare. 

"why can't i say hello?" he snaps.

"never said you can't, very contradictive, you just SAID hello." i roll my eyes, such a fool


"Rain hasn't even SEEN them yet!" i cut him off, silencing him, "i don't want to touch them before him, he loves these babies, really adores them, i don't want him to be the last one to say hello when he was the first one to love them." i explain to him. he sighs and nods.

"it would of been amazing if you could of just SAID that." he glares at me again making me smile back. "what are you doing about that-" i flick a flame at his face that just so happens to slip passed his lips and chokes him. 

"sh-babies are sleeping." i say softly as i look down at them. 

"you did, didn't you?" he asks and i just nod. 

"Of course." i hum. one of the boys reaches up to me, but again....no touchsies before mumsies. "i'm sorry, son, but your mama will bite my fingers off if he doesn't get first dibs." i hum, only to realise my finger is already being grasped by the tiny hand. "cheeky bastard." i huff only to have the back of my head slapped by Neron. 

"Language around the innocent." he points his finger.

"oh please, these four will know the full language fluently and in every language there is, i need to give them SOMETHING from their grandfather, i'd rather it be verbal abusive then physically abusive-"

"you mean murder-"

"I mean murder" i admit, nodding. he nods in return. 

"your going to make an amazing Father-"

"I am an amazing Father, what are you saying?" i question. 

"well you've already got the sarcasm and non serious attutude down." he hums making me raise a brow. 

"non serious? sarcasm i accept but i'm always serious when it matters, if i tell myself i'm going to be a bad one and take after my father, i will spiral out of control and i don't think i'll be able to cope with that when Rain needs me." i explain, "so, i understand that i'm going to make many mistakes and i'm going to struggle, but, i'm a good father...so far." i nod. he pats my back.

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