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It had been a couple days, sense Lilith had taken Milo, from the castle. The guards had found no leads, on where she could have taken the young royal. Devin hadn't been the best, he was just too upset, he loved both his children and he had to watch one get taken. Ritchie hadn't left Devin's side to comfort him when he got upset. "Ritchie...do you think they'll find Milo..." Devin said quietly as he rocked Taylor in their arms. Ritchie walked over and pulled Devin and Taylor into a hug. "Of course they will" Ritchie said calmly "we'll bring Milo back too you, don't worry." Devin calmed down and then looked down at Taylor who had woken up from his little nap. "Mo-m-a" Taylor said as he reached up for Devin. They both smiled, looking down at Taylor, he had said his first word. Devin started to rock Taylor again as he start to sing a lullaby to him.


Taylor, had fallen asleep, Devin kissed his forehead before placing him in his crib, and closing the shutters on the window next to his crib. Ritchie took Devin's hand and lead him over to the couch in front of the window. Ritchie kissed Devin and he melted into it, they pulled away after a little while. They smiled at each other and Devin cuddled into Ritchie's chest, and soon he was asleep, snoring quietly to himself. Ritchie sighed he couldn't believe that what happened to Flurry and Oakley, had happened to his husband the person he loved the most. Devin didn't deserve to have one of his children taken off him. 


-Take this I have a cold :> So I'm gonna cry :> But any who yup this happened I'm getting Tangled vibes from this XD 

-Stay Safe 

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