"Saving Him"

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When they got to the watch tower, they saw the Royal Guards all ready to go and find Devin. "I brought David, Viper and Kay, they wanted to help as well" Lucas said arriving at the watch tower with the others. "What are we waiting for, let's go!" said Michael, who had put Devin's robe on. They all started to follow Brandon, through the valley towards The Branch an old church not to far from the mountains the valleys lead too. Devin woke up in a room, from the design of the room Devin noticed it was a church. No-one was their it was just him and the whispering of the cold air, Devin shivered noticing he didn't have his red robe. He ran up to the door "Is anyone their?" he cried out, but their was no response. He fell into the corner and curled up for warmth and started to cry. He didn't like being alone, it reminded him of, his father. 

The others had made it they stood out front of the Branch church, Ritchie was the first to walk up the others followed behind him. Brandon told the guards to scatter and scout the area, as he sensed Biblico in the area. "Let's head inside" yelled Viper and David, who were standing at the door to the church. Viper quietly opens the door, Kay turns into a bird and fly's in, "the coast is clear" said Kay, as she turned human again landing on one of the pews. "Look around" said Michael who had already started to look around for his brother. Eden was looking around the back of the church, he turned around to see a locked door, he walked up and heard crying on the other side. "I found him!" Eden shouted, the others ran over to where he was looking. Kay took out Vipers lock pick from his pocket and walked up to the door, she was able to pick the lock and stood back. Michael and Eden ran in and walked over to Devin who was curled up in a ball sobbing to himself. Lucas ran over and checked him over, he was freezing cold "Ritchie your cape" said Lucas, Ritchie sat next to his boyfriend and put his cape over him.

Ritchie then picks up Devin, who had fallen asleep, they all walk out. They see that the guards ad captured a very familiar face. "Biblico! How dare you!" said Brandon who was infumed to see him. "Take him away guards" said Lucas, Lucas placed a kiss on Brandon's check calming down. "Yes Sir" said one of the guards. When they got back to the castle David, Viper and Kay were added to the council along with Devin, Michael and Eden. Michael and Eden had gone with Plant and Mrs Diaboles to set up Devin's birthday party the next morning. Ritchie had taken Devin up to his room in the castle. After a couple minutes, Devin had woken up he got up and walked up on his boyfriend and hugged him. They looked at each other and shared a kiss with each other.


Author: What happened to Biblico you may ask? 

U-U Lets say he no longer stays in Salode, he was sent to a magic prison back in Altantide.

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