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Josh: is she crazy or is she crazy
Dixie: she's protecting us now you need to protect her
Josh comes out slowly from the car and you and Rosa trap her
You: no one needs to get hurt here
You both slowly come closer and Josh comes from behind Nessa
Josh: baby
Nessa turns
Nessa: yes bubs
Rosa: ugh we're not having this
She comes to you slowly
Nessa throws a knife at you and Rosa and you catch it stumbling back a little
Bryce: how the he-
Rosa whispers: plan is josh seduces her and we arrest her
You nod
You both slowly come up to her
Josh: you look really pretty today
Nessa: aww thank you
Josh: why would you ever hurt anyone I'm all yours
Nessa: now I have you I won't hurt anyone
Rosa pressed a button and a bunch of police officers came from all corners
Rosa: your surrounded try and shoot it won't end well
Nessa: I only have 4 targets
Rosa: murdering 4 people isn't a good look on you
Josh walks away slowly from Nessa
Nessa: baby
Josh: ew no
He has his gun up aswell
Terry: drop your weapons
Jake: Janessa barret you have many police officers surrounding you and if you make any sudden move we will have to act
Amy: what he said
Holt: what's your choice janessa?
Nessa: I want 4 people in specific
The girls come out the car
Charli: looking for me dixie avani and Katherine
Nessa: correct
She smiles
Jake: we have all day Nessa
Nessa: I'll just have Dixie
Someone pushes Dixie into Nessa and Nessa holds the gun to her head
You put handcuffs on Olivia and put her in a police car (one of the officers did)
Dixie looks at you helpless
Nessa: now we can make a de-
You: you can have Josh
Josh looks at you
Josh: you do know what your doing
You nod you really wanna cry
You: just go with it please
Josh walks up to Nessa and she lets go on Dixie
You catch Dixie and give her to Charli and avani
Nessa: you made a good choice
You roll your eyes
Nessa: however it's not josh I want he's great and everything but I want you
All: why
Nessa: look at you your pretty and those things in lesbian put two and two together
You think for a second
You: alright
You smile and walk up to her
Nessa: now I have both of you threesome
You mutter: disgusting
You hand josh a taser behind her back and you keep the handcuffs with you
Josh: let's go then
He looks at you behind her back
You put up your fingers 1 2 3 he tased her and you put her in cuffs
Josh: she really said threesome
You: I know right disgusting
Josh: but like me and you is still a option
You: no
Everyone laughs and so do you and Josh
Josh whispers: your dead for one too many reasons
You whisper: what did I do
Josh whispers: you'll find out soon
He smiles at you
Josh: anyone happy your safe
He hugs you tight
Josh whispers: no but seriously I am happy your safe
You laugh quietly and smile
You both pull away fast and he goes to Bryce and stuff and Charli Dixie and avani go with him
You talk with your crew
Holt: gotta say I'm not happy the way you put yourself out there
Terry: she's a great detective sir she would have a plan automatically
A guy put a gun up behind holts head
You guys kind of back away and Josh comes up to you
Josh: what's going on
You: not to state the obvious but sir has a gun to his head could you tell?
Josh: haha very funny
???: Rosa Diaz
Rosa: great
???: I'm Tyrone remember me I think Katherine remembers me
Rosa: of course she does I told her about you
Tyrone: you would help a friend out Katherine wouldn't you
He goes to grab your hand and josh pulls you in his arms
Tyrone: we can make a simple deal
Rosa: speak up
Tyrone: Rosa you can get back with me Katherine
He talks and you ignore him because your stomach starts to hurt you and you need to pee
Josh: we have all day long till you leave sir
You kick the guy and holt turns and punches him then arrests him
Rosa: you need to pee
You: YES
Charles: so out of this entire experience your worried about needing to go to the toilet
He nods laughing and they all laugh you run inside the house and go to find the toilet which you do and you pee then wash your hands and as your washing your hands someone comes in the bathroom
Jacob: hey babe
You: hi baby
You smile at him
Jacob: I got bored without you
You smile
Jacob: I'm guessing your bored aswell
You: very
Jacob: wanna take it to the bed
He looks you up and down and winks
You sigh: Jacob
Jacob: took you long enough
You: leave me alone
You dry your hands
Jacob: can't do that
You leave quickly and lock the door
You put the keys on the table and run down stairs
Bryce: did you finally pee
You: yes thank you but I kinda locked yo ur brother in the bathroom Josh
He laughs
You: he was annoying me
Josh: you gotta get used to it
You roll your eyes he gives you a look and you look at the wall
Jaden: he's looking at you
You: yep I'm trying to avoid eye contact
You go to holt
Holt: well thanks to your little break out he's arrested
You: I needed to pee
Someone puts their hand on your shoulder
You turn around and see Jacob he's giving you a evil smile
Terry: bu-
You: twin brother
Josh comes over
Josh: ahh I see you've met Jacob
Jacob: yes they have
He digs his nail into your shoulder
Rosa: ok Jacob hands of her
Jacob chuckles
Jacob: I'm Josh's twin brother but I don't actually look like this it's just makeup and a wig
Josh: it is?
You laugh
You: you didn't know
He eyes you
You: I mean that's great
Josh smiles
Josh: that's better
Amy: if I had someone doing that to me I would melt in their arms and follow their orders
Jake: hey!
Gina: but real question is Josh demanding
You: sometimes not often but often
Josh: hey!
Jacob goes in the house and washes his face and fixes his hair and he comes back out
Jacob: and this is what I look like
You all look
He looks like Tyler from the vampire diaries
Jacob: how do you like me now Katherine
You: I still don't like you
Jacob: you sure
You: 100%
Charles: I would choose josh over Jacob too
They all agree
Bryce and that come to you guys
Griffin: tell me when to stop kath
He moved his hands away from each other and when it's like
| |

Josh: is she crazy or is she crazy Dixie: she's protecting us now you need to protect her Josh comes out slowly from the car and you and Rosa trap her You: no one needs to get hurt here You both slowly come closer and Josh comes from behind Nessa ...

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When it's like that distance
You tel Griffin to stop

The criminal:josh RichardsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя