Chapter 1

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You are arresting someone who has the biggest drug business right now you were told that they are gonna be at a club tonight jake is gonna go in acting like one of them then you and terry are going too arrest them it's about 7/8 of them but the leader is Josh Richards
You and terry have backup and when you say go they are gonna move also you put a mic in jake and a little hidden camera.
They are about to make a move
Terry shouts: GO GO GO
All of the backup and you and terry start running inside
You: on three ready 1 2 3
You all bust in
Josh runs
You: ON IT
You chase after Josh and after a few streets you get him
You: anything you say or do will be used against you
You say while arresting him
Josh dosent say anything he just looks at you and accepts him getting arrested you go back to terry and see they captured all of the people
You: ok I got him
Terry: finally this is such a win
You: I knowwww I'm so gonna shove it in jakes face
Terry laughs
Terry: he's gonna hate u for that
You: I know
You guys out all the people in the holding cell back at the precinct then you make sure they are all in handcuffs and put them in the room to ask them questions
Terry: why did you sell drugs
No response
Terry: what type
No response
Terry: I'll get the girls
You wait in the room while he's gone and you just sit on the chair on your phone
Josh: aren't you gonna ask questions
You: later
Josh chuckles
Josh: ok I'll give you all my answers when you ask the questions
You: ok?
Bryce: I'm Bryce hall
Jaden: Jaden hossler
Griffin: Griffin Johnson
Quinton: Quinton Griggs
You laugh
You: q tip
They all laugh
???: she would be a good add
You: and you are
???: kio cyr
You: keys
You: I hope you all know I know everything about you like your names age those things
Josh: why haven't you caught us before
You smile
You: it wasn't my case
Josh: make it your case
You: you can talk to jake
You get up and as your leaving jake comes in
You: not to shove it in your face or anything but I caught the people you wanted to
You smile
Jake: the second I'm out of here I'm gonna scream at you
You laugh and leave
* time skip *
You go from behind the screen
You: what
Jake: I can't get anything out of them
You: ha you were so excited I watched you behind the screen
Jake: you are so dead
He leaves
You sit down in the chair and go on your phone your captain talks through the speaker
Captain: ask questions
You: right
You look at them
You: what type of drugs you selling
Kio: shouldn't you know
All of your teammates: NO
You roll your eyes
You: why have you been selling drugs
No response
You: ok do you prefer I do this separately or all together
Jaden: all together
You: fine Josh why did you start this
Josh: personal reasons
You: would you like to share
Josh: no
You look at him weirdly
You: ok why did u sell drugs
All: we didn't
You: great a group of denial
You get up to walk outside
Terry: I will lock the doors if you leave
You sit back down
Josh: so the names Katherine
You nod
They all look at each other not saying anything
You: is anyone else involved in this group
Quinton: lots but you probably won't find them
You: while your talking iv sent out a squad to arrest the people so you can speak up or I'll have you all in prison for who knows how long
You smile
They all look at you shocked
Jaden: what do you want
You: names
They look at each other
Josh: ok let's make a deal if we tell you all the names you have to let us go
You think
You: no I would find them in seconds
Josh: I don't think you would find the leader leader
You: I already have
Josh: who is it then
You: Ricky Marcus
He nods
Josh: caught us red handed
You: iv done my research
Josh: and quite frankly we've done our research on every police precinct so I know everything about you
You: full name
Josh: Katherine mikealson
You: age
Josh: 18
You: family
Josh: no mum physco dad 5 siblings 1 sister 4 brothers
You: congrats
Josh: now tell me about myself include how hot I am
You: yea I'm sure everyone in prison will love that
You smile at him
You: Joshua Richards 20 turning 21 soon 1 older sister 1 younger brother about 7 mum and dad
Josh: tell me about the rest of us
You: Jaden Isiah hossler 21 two sisters older mum and dad
Bryce Micheal hall 21 no siblings divorced dad actually in prison and a very sweet mum
Bryce looks at you strange
You: I met her I met all your parents and siblings in fact I'm basically friends with them
Griffin: ok I think she knows everything about us
Josh: not everything but sure
He sits back with his legs forwards and his back on the back of the chair sort of leaned backwards
You: that's all I want to ask for today
You look behind you
You: can I leave now
Terry: no
You: slump back in your chair
Kio: you really don't like us huh
You stay quiet and go on your phone to get a text from terry a list of questions to ask
You: give me names of the people involved please
Josh laughs
Josh: your not scary
You: I'm not trying to be scared
Josh: I don't think you can be if you wanted too
You slam your hands on the table and lean forwards till your cm away from his face
You: give me the names of the people involved
You tilt your head
You: please
Josh: fine Rodrigo scat, Bob will, Wes tray, and that's all I know based on the people who work with us as extras also there is one more but I'll let you figure it out yourself
You: Doug Judy
Josh tilts his head looking at you
Josh: how did you figure that out little one
You: I have a brain unlike you
Holt texts you: you can leave now but take them to the holding cell
You get up and open the door
You: get out go to the holding cell
Josh pulls at the table
You: right
You help them all out and lock them in the holding cell and as your helping Josh he whispers against your neck without anyone noticing
Josh: will craft is a main one
You take him to the holding cell and lock him with the rest of them
You go to the captains office
You: ok you guys heard the names did you write it down
Terry: yes
You: also josh told me will craft is a main one
They all look confused
Amy: we didn't hear that
You mutter: he whispered it to me
They all start cheering
Holt: yes keep down the volume
You: sorry sir
You say laughing
Jake whispers: a criminal likes youuuu oooooo
You: your assuming things i don't know
Jake: criminal and cop ooooooo
You blush a little
They cheer again
You try to hide it
Amy: awwwww
You: don't say one more word about this
You all leave the office without saying anything and sit at your desks
Terry's wife and kids come in
Sharron: hey baby
She hugs and kisses terry and he hugs his kids
Terry: my babies anyways jake Katherine we have news for you two
You both look at each other
You: what's up
Terry: you guys are gonna be the god parents of the baby's
You look at him shocked
You: that's great but not with him
Jake: hey I would be the perfect dad
You: no offence but you wouldn't be the perfect dad
They all agree with you
Terry: and before you say anything you guys would split the time since you guys aren't really together
You: ok
Jake: no pressure
You throw a water bottle at him
You: I know
He throws it back at you
You: ow
Jake: HA
You throw it back at him and it continues
Teddy: that's why you guys are the god parents
You both laugh
Terry: anyways Stacy and lacy just finished school and we wanted them to come over here to say hi to them also because you guys haven't seen them in months
You all agree with that
Rosa: Katherine Elijah
You: ok everyone act very professional
Elijah walks in
Elijah: hi
You: hey
Jake: hiiiii lijah
You mutter: oh my god
Holt: Elijah
Elijah: raymond
They shake hands
Elijah: Katherine
You look at him
Elijah: Rebekah and niklaus argued she left town so it's just us five including you
You: what did they argue over
Elijah: personal reasons also dad is on the loose
You nod
You: bye
Elijah leaves
You: wow that was so formal
You all breath
Rosa: he is so formal the rest are so un formal
You: I know
Amy: anyway your gonna be the only girl in the house
You sarcastically: yay
Gina: you should move out
You: I tried didn't work also jake when he comes again DONT say a word and no sign language
Jake: roger that
Stacy and lacy hug you by your legs
You look in awwe at terry
Terry: try walking
You: I will fall
Charles: and it would be funny
You laugh and try to walk and you fall forwards but you stop yourself with your arms
Stacy and lacy laugh
Stacy: this is fun
You all laugh
Sharron: you can get up now
You get back up and they cry
You go back to like half push up and they giggle
Terry: your weak you will fall in a second
You: not my fault I dont have muscles on every part of my body
You look at him
Terry: no offence taken
You: I mean it with full offence
He rolls his eyes
Sharron: girls let's go
They frown but you get up and they let go off you
You: there so cute
Jake: ok but on another hand we need to go bust a drug dealer
You sit in your desk
Jake: get up your the main character
You: whyyyyyyy
Jake: your single and hot you need to distract
You: haha you find me hot
Jake: what n-
You: ha
Rosa: you did say she's hot
Amy: which she is
Gina: but ooooooo jakey made a mistakey
You laugh
You: it's all good let's go
You hug Stacy and lacy and they go back to terry
???: release everyone in the holding cell or you else
Terry: or what
His men grab Stacy and lacy and they cry
You and jake look at each other and nod
???: shes hot pretty got everything I want
He comes up to you
You kiss him and signal Jake
He starts giving you a hickey on your neck as jake slowly try's to grab the girls
The guy stops giving you a hickey
???: I like my art work on your neck
You slam him on the table and put him in hand cuffs you throw him in the holding cell
Terry: MY KIDS
You and jake hold up your guns
Jake: if you make one more move then you won't be able to see
You: let go of the kids
You say walking slowly to them
You: ok terry we are gonna take a risk sorry
You and josh run at them and he cuffs the guy holding the children
You grab them and give them to terry
You: get away
He nods and leaves with Sharron
You and jake cuff all of the men and throw them in the holding cell
???: I'll be giving you a second hickey later
You: and it worked
Jake: and he gave you a really good hickey
You: he practically bit me
Jake: and it was funny
You slap him across the face
You: that was funny
He looks at you as you walk to your desk to cover the hickey

The criminal:josh RichardsWhere stories live. Discover now