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You wake up and head to work in the morning
You: hey
All: hi
Terry: not lots of work today
You: I guess that's good
Holt: yea nothing too interesting today work finishes at 6:00pm
You nod
You all talk and work at the same time
You: anyways I'm gonna go home
Jake throws keys at you
Jake: lock up
You: I'm gonna stay behind and do some work actually because I have a case I haven't finished and it's annoying me A LOT
They laugh
Holt: ok then
Gina: I'm gonna go home
Rosa: yea same
Jake: same
Terry: same
Holt: agreed
Charles: me too
You: basically everyone is gonna go home
They nod
You: cool
You hug them goodbye then you sit down and try to end your case and u just can't because there's something your missing so you go over some cold cases and cover them all the paper work and evidence then leave the arresting part  out, after a while it's like 7:30 ish and you have finished some cases then you see josh walk in
You: I told you to leave me alone
Josh: some things just can't be done
He grabs your arm roughly and takes you to the cleaning closet and locks it again keeping it in the same place as usual (in him)
You: Jos-
Josh: you left me last night I wasn't gonna leave you and intact I'm back today ready for something new and I hope your ready too
You: I asked kindly for you to leave me alone
Josh: so last night you left me I had lots of thoughts
You: like what
Josh: I won't tell you but I know iv been a little harsh on you
You: you should be doing this
Josh: then why haven't you arrested me
You: because it's not too important or a crime
You roll your eyes
Josh: exactly
You just stand there
Josh: I have been a little harsh on you for the past two days
You: yep
Josh: so now I'm gonna be way more simpler I'm gonna make today easy
You: I have work to do
You push past him and he grabs your arms
Josh: not so fast
He pushes you back
Josh: all you have to do is talk to me for a few hours that's it
You: I think I can do that
Josh: so tell me about your job
You both sit down on the floor he skate infront of you with his back against the cleaning supplies and your back against the door
You: just a cop
Josh: well explain
You: it's fun and when we arrest a group of people that we've been tracking for years is the best
He smiles at you
You: it's really fun when it's one of those shootings because you can like shoot people
You smile
You: questioning people isn't the best but I meet lots of nice people and we talk after they get released if they are good people. Going to court is the worst lawyers and cops is a no no and the people I work with we are all friends outside of work
Josh is still smiling at you
You: tell me about you
Josh: what do you want to know
You: whatever just tell me
Josh: I'm in a drug operation I guess I mean I don't really do anything I just go to the places it happens same goes for my crew
You nod as you guys talk for a hour or so
He unlocks the door
You: thanks
You go out and you make sure everything is closed and then you both leave
You get home and everyone is asleep you sleep too

*time skip*

Terry: Katherine the drug thing is out of hand again we need to go to this club
You: done but if the group of boys are there again we aren't arresting them other people can we need to go after the main ones
Terry: agreeed I have a crew to get the boys in specific if we see them
You nod
You: ok ready
Terry: GO GO GO
You two get out the van and the police stand infront of the door
You look at terry
You: 1 2 3
Terry: GO
You swing the door open
You see someone running
You: ON IT
You chase after two guys and after a bit you cuff them and then bring them back
Terry: we got the four main people the leaders and we also have those boys arrested again as witnesses and to provide us evidence or whatever
You nod
Terry: anyways you got two of  the main I chased the other two
You: wow u finally put those muscles to work
Terry gives you a look
You walk forwards and he laughs and comes too you put the guy in the van with the rest
Terry drives back and you put them all in the holding cell
The vulture is already there
Jake: finally your here
He pushes you infront of the vulture
The vulture: I'm gonna take the drug case
You: why
Terry: WHAT.
The vulture: because someone dosent wanna get in bed with me
He looks at you
You: what? I'm not sleeping with him
The vulture: I'll keep waiting
You: if you don't take the case I might
The vulture: deal
You: bye
He leaves
Charles: are you ac-
You: no
Rosa: give it a try you never know
You: no
Amy: why
They all gasp
Charles: you have someone in mind
You: no
She shrieks
You: maybe
Amy: spill
They surround your desk
You: I'm not saying anything before you go a detect him
Jake: secrets make it better
You: no details especially jake and Charles
Jake: oh come on
Terry: she's right
Charles: we aren't that bad
You: sure
Rosa whispers: tell me
You whisper: criminal
She gasps at you
Jake: how come she gets to know and we don't
You: because she won't tell
Klaus: tell what
You turn and see him
You: none of your business
Klaus: you can tell me later but I haven't to meet him and also depends if I like him or not
You: your not knowing who it is
Klaus: fine
He rolls his eyes
Klaus: tell me please
You: tell me about you and Caroline
Klaus: nothing huge between us she likes someone else
You: sucks to be you
Klaus: I don't get it hiw can she like Tyler
You shrug
Klaus: like I'm way better
You: mmmmm no
Klaus: at least take my side
You: your so childish
Klaus: I know your not saying that after what you told me before las-
You cover his mouth
Your workers look at you
You: fine one hint he's cute
Amy: that's a good hint
Charles: yea she dosent find people cute this is interesting
Rosa: Jaden hossler
You: no
Charles: me
You: no
Terry: Ricky?
You: no
Jake: west best friend
You: no
Amy: ohhhh I know teddy's bestie
You: NO
Gina: Chad?
You: ew no
Terry: vulture
You give him a look
You: no
You: don't
She whispers in your ear quickly
You nod she smiles
You laugh
You: it's not a big deal
Holt: what are we talking about
Jake: Katherines dating life
Holt: lemme take a guess
Holt: west best friend
You: no
Holt: oh my this will be hard
You and Rosa smile
Rosa: and my mouth is sealed shut about it
Holt: on the other hand considering we are in a work place we should get work done
You: righttttt
Holt: you have more questioning to do same group of boys
You: but that's so boring
Holt: this is a drug case
He walks back in
You and jake look at each other
Jake: die hard style
You take them to the holding room
Quinton: we won't talk if he's here
Jake groans and leaves
You: ok um why did you do another drug operation
Quinton: because we had no other choice
You: why is that
Bryce: well since we became a part of it if we back out it's not safe for us
You: and have you considered getting police protection
Griffin: we have but we don't want it we don't wanna look like pussys
You: well you are if you don't do something About this
You smile at them
You: so I suggest you get yourselves out of this mess
Quinton: you were kind to us before what happened
You: I'm still being kind it's your second time being arrested for the same reason by the same person
Josh leans back into his chair
You: do you have any names in specific that we should know about
Blake: no you guys have everyone
You nod
You: thank you I think your gonna be set free soon I'll update you later
You help them back into the holding cell
Terry: so
You: apparently they're like kind of forced into the drug thing it's like one of the situations for they leave it won't be safe and they don't want police protection.
Terry nods
Jake: we done some digging and found out someone it could be
You: I don't like him anymore changed my mind
Rosa's mouth drops
You walk away into the staff room kind of
Rosa comes in and locks it behind her and shuts the blinds 
Rosa: why
You: because I just changed my mind randomly I realised it's not a good thing for me I could do better
Rosa: you know I hate love and love seggs but you can't chnAge your mind that fast
You: well I can
Rosa: you have to fix this
You: I didn't mess up so I'm not fixing it
Rosa: fine wait on him
You: already moved on
She rolls her eyes
You: it's not my fault
Rosa: why did you stop liking him
You: because I just did
You walk out and back to your desk
Terry: I think I found out who you like
You: I just told you I don't like him anymore
Jake: come on how can you loose feelings that fast
You: really easy Jake
Charles: well I'm a expert in love so you can tell me anything
You: you would tell Jake in less then a second
Holt: release the boys again
You uncuff josh and his group of friends
Josh whispers: come outside we need to talk
You whisper: no
You were walking back to your desk and he drags you with him outside
You: that's assult and abuse
Josh: yea yea who's the boy you like
You: wow that's what u wanted to ask
Josh: just answer my question
You: I'm not gonna tell you any time soon
Josh: fine be like that
You: and stop seeing me we need to cut of any ties together
Josh: I can't promise that
You: do what you want as long as it has nothing to do with me
Josh: it has everything to do with you
You: you do you Josh
Josh: I don't understand why your mad at me
You: I'm mad at you because for the past who cares how long you literally have been annoying me so much then you go and pull this you really get yourself arrested the second time this week by the same person ME?
Josh: fine I won't get arrested anymore
You: you really don't get it I'm a cop your a criminal it will never work
You push past him and walk inside
You look at Rosa
Rosa: they heard what u just said outside
You: wow
Jake: ok but seriously why are you breaking it off with him
You: because I just can't I don't wanna be with a criminal considering I am a cop
Terry: you can change him
You: yea sure
You go to your desk
Klaus: hmmm you seem annoyed
Charles: yea she just kind of dumped someone she was seeing
Klaus: ooooo well easy way to move on is to find a new one soo I introduce to you Dylan
Some guy walks in
You: hey
???: I'm dylan
You: Katherine nice to meet you
Dylan: yea same for you
He smiles at you and puts his arm around you then you guys walk away
You: so Dylan tell me about yourself
He takes his arm off your shoulder
You both talk and talk and talk

The criminal:josh RichardsWhere stories live. Discover now