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You talk to William slowly and get a few answers out of him while playing the games
You go to terry
Terry: any news
You: Josh has a lot less then his dad
You look away from him
Jake: you did something good he was gonna kill you
You: yea I guess
You say looking at the floor
Amy: anyways incoming kol
You: ok um everyone act normal and jake no talking also don't act to professional but don't be too free with yourself
You all go to your desks
Jake: hey Kath what are we gonna do about the ca-
Kol: hello sister
You: hey
Kol: I heard you did the honours of arresting father
You: mhm
Kol: if he gets free you are aware your his first target
You: thanks for reminding me
Terry: he wouldn't kill his daughter
You and kol look at him
Micheal: I would
Kol: there's your answer
Terry gets worried
William comes running out up to you
You mutter: worst timing
Jake laughs
Kol: have you been pregnant for the past 9 months and hiding it
You: no this is just a criminals brother
Kol: hmmm
You: I didn't do anything plus I can't hide something like that for that long
Kol: agreed anyways I wanna have a word with father
You: you can say dad
You roll your eyes
You go to the holding cell
You: up
Your dad gets up and walks past you and you lock the holding cell again
Micheal: I'm so gonna kill you
You: nice
Terry: he won't actually
William taps you
You: what's up
William: can I say hi to bro now
You look at terry
Terry: fine
You go to the holding cell and get Josh
You: is kol and thingy in the holding room
Jake: yep and he's threatening kol
You: great
You take josh and William to the video game room
You: Josh if you try to run after I uncuff you it will end really really bad
He nods and you uncuff him he hugs William instantly
You: I can leave if you want for personal space
Josh: no it's ok I actually want to talk to you if that's ok
You: after
William: is daddy gonna be ok
Josh: of course he is he's a very bad person though and we shouldn't associate with him
William nods
William: Katherine is really fun
Josh: great
William runs back outside
You cuff josh again
Josh: thanks for taking care of William
You: it's ok he's just a kid now I'm gonna have to talk you back to the holding cell
You go outside
You run up to him
You: what did you do
Terry: I let the dad out
You: ok uhhh
You: jeez ok
Terry takes the kid to josh
Derek: your a good cop
You: yea just get in
Derek: no
You: permission to tase him
You look at captain holt
Holt: if you must
You: cover the kids eyes
You tase Derek and he shakes uncontrollably
Amy talks with William to take his attention off you and you tase Derek until he falls to the floor
Derek: ow
You: sorryyyyy
You make the hand cuffs tighter and you then get josh in then lock the cell
Terry: the mum is here
You: take the kid then?
Terry: ha no
Charles: yea your doing it
You: ha your scared of the mum
You laugh at them
???: is miss Katherine here
You turn around
You: you must be the mum
???: my name is Ellie
You: detective Katherine mikealson how can I help you
Ellie: I came here to see what Josh done and Derek and to collect William
William: she was very nice to me mummy
Ellie laughs
Ellie: thank you can I just know why they are in a cell
You: drug operation
William: what's that
You: something really really bad never ever do it
William nods
Ellie: are they getting out any time soon
You: there is a possibility Josh will be out some time soon however derek I'm not so sure
Ellie: it's ok
You look at Rosa freaked out
Rosa: no talking
Ellie: it's ok I can bail him out
You: uhh you can't because he isn't in jail yet and his bail isn't up yet also because his crime is very very big I don't think he can be bailed out
Ellie: that's fine thank you for helping my family I'm sorry about what they've caused
You: it's totally fine
She hugs you
You: anyways I might have to call you in soon after a few days
She nods smiling
You: byeee
William: byee
Ellie: bye Katherine
You wave at her as she walks away
Amy: teach me
You: teach you what
Amy: how to talk to parents
Gina: she's a freak when it comes to parents
You: just be normal? Idk
Amy: teddy's parents hate me but they love you
You: because I don't sing kid songs to them when I don't know what to say
Charles: anyway outing tmrw Katherine bring alcohol
You: you know it
Charles: terry: food
Terry: on it
Charles: everyone else bring beer and those things
Jake: are we gonna meet 9 drink Katherine
You: maybe maybe not
Charles: it's always so funny because she gets so drunk
Rosa: yea remember when sh-
Holt: she what
Rosa: uhhh arrested a few bad guys
You: yep
Holt: ok
He goes back into his office
Gina: whatever we do or go we need Katherine to get drunk
You: I can't go home drunk do you know how much I will get lectured
Micheal: lovely daughter when I'm out of here your dead
You: thank you
Gina: you should probably get protection
You shrug
Terry: yea death threats aren't the best
You: I don't really care
Rosa: that's the Katherine I met
You laugh
Rosa: Charles where r we gonna be tmrw
Charles: my ex wife's house
You: ISNT it weir-
Jake: let him have this
You nod
Charles: as I wa-
You: I hate you
Kol: do you tho
You: YES how did he even get out of the handcuffs
Kol: he broke out and then hit me soo and also he has a huge knife with him and heads up he's behind you
You: yay
Micheal: turn around
You do that
You: hey what's up
Micheal: I did say I was gonna kill you
Holt: oh my gosh
You: hey Charles I don't think I can make it tmrw
They look at you
You: just saying
Micheal: you chose niklaus why
You: because he's my brother
You say walking around
Micheal: I killed your mother
You stop and turn around
You: you killed your own wife
Micheal: yep
You: oooo wait till klaus finds out
Kol: your so dead dad
You laugh a little
Holt: how can you be laughing when you could possibly die
Micheal throws the knife and you aiming for your chest you catch it
Micheal throws another one at you and you catch it then you put the knifes down 
Micheal pulls out a gun
You: did you not find any of this when u bought him in
Jake: jsut dodge it
You: the people behind me will get hurt so no?
You walk up to your dad
Micheal: are you gonna shoot me I have a few things to say
You: nope your gonna shoot me I just don't wanna die here
Jaden: is she crazy
Micheal: you know I can just stab you
Kol snaps his neck
You: thanks.
You guys high five
You: now get out
Kol: I came here to tell you that west is at home shouting at everyone
You: yay?
Kol: no because klaus is loosing his temper
You call west and he answers
You go to the roof with kol
You: get out to my house before klaus looses his temper
Klaus: exactly
West: why did you break up with me
You: your annoying plus no one likes you
He ends the call
Kol: stop having crazy ex's
You roll your eyes and he laughs
You go back in a mood
You: captain I have to arrest someone
Holt: do you need a partner
You: nope
Kol: um yes west is gonna kill all your siblings if your not there in 30 minutes
You: he's just threatening me he won't actually do it
Kol: well I'm not dying so if I have to I will carry you there
You: fine yea
Holt: ok take the whole crew with you
You: why? It's one person that's wasting there time
Holt: are you questioning me
You: yes
Holt: ok
He walks back into the office
You: wanna go
Amy: I would be terrified if my siblings could die
You: yea I am so scared
Amy rolls her eyes
You: what I'm not scared of him plus klaus is probably at his neck already but let's go
You guys go fast and drive there and before you enter the house
You: don't put yourself in danger please
They nod
West try's to run but klaus has him in his grip you cuff him
You: see that was barely long
West: I have men behind you
You turn around and see a group of guys
???: you arrested Josh Richards and his friends
You: you must be Ricky
You smile and tase him then cuff him and take him to the car with rest they are locked up in the car you go back in and help with the fighting which after a while finishes and u cuff them and take them to the car
You: I'll be home tmrw
Klaus: don't get too drunk
You: they wanna see 9 drink Katherine
You laugh and drive back there with the crew
Terry: you have got to stop dating crazy people
You: I like that
Rosa: yea it's hot
You agree and y guys talk then drive back and they go to the holding cell
Holt: the people inside got transferred apart from the drug dealing part so it's practically empty
You guys put the people in
You: west I have evidence of what he done and they were all involved so what should I do leave them there or take them to jail?
Holt: jail
Some federal agents come inside and and take the guy and the vulture comes aswell
The vulture: Jake the guy I hate
Jake: the vulture
The vulture: Amy keep the nerd skills up Charles heard you got a divorce sucks to be you terry ur fat not muscly fat Gina ur dumb Rosa can't find another man? They don't want you and Katherine
You look at him with your arms crossed
The vulture: Katherine u dtf (down to f*ck)
You: nope
The vulture: why
You: you hate us and you steal our cases all the time
The vulture smirks and chuckles
The vulture: your loss Calvin clien
He walks back out
You: weird he didn't take a case
Charles: surprising but good
Jake: Lily and me broke up
You and Rosa hide your laughs
Amy: oh you will find someone else
Rosa whispers to you: she should do something about it
You: how's you and teddy amy?
Amy: broke up over text
You: perfect
You push her onto josh and he catches her
Gina: just date already
You: exactly
Holt: You guys have to let josh Richards Jaden hossler Bryce hall Griffin Johnson kio cyr Quinton Griggs Noah beck Blake gray and Anthony reeves out because they haven't done anything too bad and they just have to do some help around the places
Jake: ugh this could have been so much more fun
You: agreed
You go up to the holding cell
You: what about Derek
You ask while uncuffing them
Holt: he stays
You nod
You: ok you guys are free to go
Bryce: we noticed
You: watch your attitude I'm not one of you to talk to me like that
You walk back to terry
Terry: anyways shift over
You: finally
Charles: don't forget the outing tmrw
All: wouldn't miss it
You guys go downstairs to the bar
You: what type
Charles: anything
You: I'll get pizza
Jake: you know our orders
You nod and leave
You were looking in your bag for something but then you realised you don't want it so you just continue walking
You hear a voice behind you
???: Katherine
You ignore it then you feel a hand around your neck and you being slammed on the wall in a corner
Josh: hello darling
You: Josh
Josh: the one and only
You roll your eyes
You: your very cocky
Josh: I'm what
He presses tighter
You: very cocky
He brings you to the floor with him still holding your neck
Josh: very pretty
You: thanks
Josh: I enjoyed today
You nod
Josh: words
You: ok
Josh stand above you while he keeps you down on the floor he is cm away for you then he looks down at you
You don't look up
Josh: this is a very interesting position ISNT it
You nod
He lifts your chin
Josh: words
You: yes
He comes closer with a let on each side of your body then he goes back down to your level
You: what do you want
Josh: lots of things
You: like what
Josh: well if I tell you that ruins the fun
You: right
Josh: you don't seem scared
You: yea
Josh: why love
You: because I'm not
Josh holds both your wrists in one hand
Josh: think twice before arresting me
You get up and push him away from you then you walk again
Josh: I wouldn't move if I were you
You continue walking
Josh: don't say I didn't warn you
You see a group of guys infront of you
Josh walks up to you
Josh: changed your mind huh
You: mhm
Josh: I'll be seeing you soon very soon
He leaves with the guys you go back to the bar
Rosa: what happened
You: nothing it's just really dark and I wanna order it
You order it and you guys have a fun night you hide your fear and suspicion

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