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Josh and your brothers were getting along really well and they showed Josh a different side of them it was nice they played video games spoke in general and you were upstairs calling your friends
Klaus: so what's the relationship with you and our sister
Josh: we're dating happily
Kol: does she do anything you wish she doesn't
Josh: no I like when she's her normal self
Elijah: do you love her
Josh nods
Josh: yea I love her
Finn: do you think she loves you
Josh: I'm pretty confident she loves me
Elijah: are you both happy in the relationship
Josh: yep
Kol: I know you guys have spoke about having kids before but what's your take on it boy to boy
Josh: honestly I want to have kids with her now if I could I would but I don't think she's ready yet
Kol: What did she say
Josh: she wants to wait till we're like a year into our relationship then she said we would talk about it then and maybe start trying
The boys nod
Klaus: there's always a but
Josh: but the thing is she's scared as hell I would leave her and I don't understand why but with everyone always leaving your lives it makes sense I just want her to know I wouldn't leave her I would speak to her about it till we both have a agreement on whether we want kids or not
Klaus: your a good guy Josh if you ever want to talk to us about something your free to do that and if you ever wanna come over your free to do that
Josh: thanks
After a hour or so you fell asleep while talking to Rosa and Amy on the phone they took a bunch of photos josh came into the room
Josh: hey girls she's asleep right now I'll tell her to call you both in the morning
Rosa: cool
Amy: ok bye
He ends the call and lays down behind you
You slowly wake up and turn to face him
You: hey how did it go with the boys
Josh: pretty good
You: cool
You cuddle up to him and fall asleep he falls asleep

It's now the morning and Josh already woke up long ago you were still asleep
Josh and your brothers were in your room talking
Klaus: let's wake her up
Josh: can we do it with a prank maybe
Klaus: I like the way you think
Kol: how about another boy in her bed when she wakes up if your ok with that Josh
Josh nods
Josh: who
They shrug
Elijah: we could do Kai
Josh: yea she would go crazy
They call Kai to come over
Kai: Just lay in bed behind her
They nod
Kai: and your ok with that Josh
Josh: yea it's just a prank
Him and Kai swap and Kai lays behind you with his hands around your waist
The boys wait for a few minutes
Josh: she usually knows when it's my hand or not
Finn: she's probably just really tired from yesterday
They all agree
You: Kai if you don't move your ugly self away from my right now I'm gonna push you out the window
He laughs and gets up
You turn and open your eyes
You: Richards
Josh lays back down and you cuddle up to him
Elijah: adorable
You don't sleep tho you go on your phone and you and Josh are under the covers cuddling it's all the way up to your neck (the cover)
The vibration of your phone is on Josh non stop because of how many people talk to you/follow/like/comment on your posts
He gently gets one of your hands and places it ontop of his d*ck you can feel his b*ner
You move your hand around it a little
Kol: cute but we have some phone calls to take see you soon
He kisses your forehead same with all your brothers and they hug Josh while he's laying down then they leave and lock the door for privacy
Josh: your cute sleeping and in general
You: thx I would say same for you but why lie
Josh scoffs
You laugh
You: how did you get hard
Josh: vibration of your phone and looking at you
You giggle
You: your the best
You kiss him and he hovers above you
You: we can't escalate in my house
Josh: why is that
You: the boys
Josh: they won't hear if your quiet
You raise your eye brow
He sits up on the bed
You take of his trousers and pump his d*ck
Josh groans
Josh: I want your mouth around me
You: not today
Josh: please
You: no
Josh: put your f*cking mouth around my c*ck before I make you
You start sucking on his d*ck
Josh: good girl
After 10 ish mins:
Josh: I'm gonn-
You stop and lick your lips then sit down on the bed
Josh: noooo whyy
You: for this morning
Josh: you're  joking
You get changed infront of him
Josh: and now your doing that
You: yea and you can't touch me
Josh: can we just f*ck
You come up to Josh in your bra and pants and hover over him
You: should I
Josh: Yes
You: i don't know baby
You kiss his neck
Josh: pleasee
You: hmmm only for a little bit
You start leaving hickies all over his chest making him lightly groan each time
Then you trace your finger down to his d*ck
You: how does this make you feel?
You don't touch his d*ck you hover your p*ssy above him and you took of your pants
You: like you have all the power in the world
Josh: n-no
You: who does?
Josh: y-you
You: correct see you know everything
You start to get up
Josh: but you don't
He spins you so he's ontop now
Josh: I'm always gonna be dom in our relationship
You: what if I don't want that
Josh: then it won't end well but right now your gonna take my f*cking c*ck and your mouth and not make a fuss about it because if you do
He stops
Josh: I'm gonna destroy what's down there
You tense up a little getting scared
He puts his c*ck in your mouth but starts licking your p*ssy
He finally c*ms after a while
Josh: now I'm not gonna allow you to c*m because you didn't allow me
You nod
He looks at you
Josh: such a pretty face such a shame it's got my c*m all over it
You: it's because I'm all yours
Josh: correct
You: and you can c*m whenever you want
Josh: correct
He licks your entrance
You: no no no don't do that I'm not allowed to c*m
Josh smirks and does it more and more
You moan lightly
Josh: you can c*m I wanna taste you
You: now I need too but I don't want to
He chuckles
Josh: excuse me
You stand up
You: you see I did stop your from c*mming but then you did and you didn't allow me now you want to taste me correct me if I'm wrong
Josh: no all correct
You: now that you want something from me I'm gonna say no
You wash your face and put your top on and your pants then you look for your leggings and you feel a vibration making you moan
Josh chuckles
Josh: I know you really need to c*m so that will do the trick unless you change your mind and want me to eat you
The vibration continues
You: 2 
Josh smirks and takes of your pants
Josh: c*m
He puts his mouth at your v*g*na and eats you out and your orgasm
You moan but he covers your mouth
Josh: that's what I like
He takes off the vibrator and you wear your pants then leggings
You: I'm mad at you now
He laughs and gets changed you guys say bye to your brothers
You leave with Josh
he walks into the car calling Bryce and Jaden and those ppl on ft
You both get in the car then you start driving and he's just talking to his friends
Griffin: when can we see Katherine again
All: yea
Josh: ok shes MY girlfriend you guys are MY friends it's not mixing
You continue driving and someone pulls you over
???: I know I was just wondering if we could exchange n*d-
You drive away from him
Josh: that's the second time this week it's only Tuesday
You: I know
Someone else stops you
You: what now
???: nothing just wanted to ask you to come out the car
You get out and slam the door behind you
He tries to kiss your neck
Josh: mmm no shes my girlfriend back off
He pulls you inside the car
You: can you drive
Josh: yea your never driving again
You switch seats
Kio: Josh can you guys actually come over for once
Josh looks at you and you shrug
You mouth: you can not me
Josh mouths: why
You mouth: because
Josh mouths: fine
Josh: yea I'll come over but she won't
All: WHY
Josh looks at you
Josh: explain
You: I have things to do
Jaden: like what
You: work, get drunk, work, hang out, brothers, get drunk with brothers
Josh: yea there's no chance in hell your getting drunk when I'm not there
All: oop
You: why
Josh: because have you seen the amount of guys hitting on you just in general in the road imagine when your drunk how many people are gonna try to take advantage of you.
You: it's not like I'll get that drunk
Josh gives you a look and parks in a parking space he shows you videos of you drunk and you both laugh at all of them
You: technically I was only 4 drinks in I wanna do 20 drinks in my highest is 10
Josh: yea no
You: no yea
Josh: your not going
You scream like a baby and kick your legs
Josh eyes you
You: can I go
Josh: not after that
You: UGH
Josh: there's a 0% chance your going if you keep that attitude up
You: what are you my dad
Josh: then who's daddy
You: when have I ever called you that
Josh: which leads to my point you need to call me that
You roll your eyes and he continues driving
Griffin: no but seriously they need a tv show
You slump in your chair
Bryce: let the kid go she can't be that bad
Josh sends him videos
Bryce laughs
Bryce: shes the life of the party like me
Jaden: imagine them both being in one party
Everyone: oooo
You text your friends then you get a text from Harriet and Freddie they made a gc
Harriet: Freddie is yours in the show mine in real life
You: I have a boyfriend.
Harriet: we all know you want Freddie
You take a photo of josh driving quickly and send it to her
You: .
Freddie: leave the girl alone she has a boyfriend
Harriet: oh shut up Freddie
They call you and you answer (voice call)
Harriet: Freddie is my boyfriend
You: I get it
Josh mouths: who
You mouth: actors
He nods
Josh mouths: Freddie
You mouth: and his girlfriend
Josh nods
Kio: she's clearly on the phone
Harriet keeps on talking and talking you ignore her
Josh: how come your not talking
You put it on speaker
You: shes telling me Freddie's her boyfriend which is weird right like Harriet is so annoying she acts like everyone cares about her like does she not understand I have a boyfriend and the world dosent revolve around her
Josh: make sure your muted
You look at the phone and realise your not muted
You: oops heyyyy Harriet
The boys laugh
Freddie: this Katherine girl isn't scared to tell you anything
You: I was supposed to be on mute
Harriet: but you wasn't
You roll your eyes and ignore her as she keeps on talking and talking and talking you mute yourself and turn down the volume
Josh: your rude
You: says you
Josh: how am I rude
You: how am I rude
Anthony: true she is pretty nice Harriet is just annoying
You leave the call with Harriet and Freddie

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