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You look out the window
You: drive fast like very fast
Josh: why
You: don't ask questions just do it
Josh drives away fast
You check to see if he's following
You: ok we're good you can drive normally
Rosa: what's your deal today
You: idk
Amy: wait so if your not pregnant what are you
You: a human
Amy: no you idiot are you sick
You: oh I don't know I'll wait till tomorrow if I like feel the same for like 3 days or so I'll ask the doctor
Rosa: idk man that's risky just go now
You: but it's stupid to assume things
Rosa: well we assumed you were pregnant
You: but then I wasn't sooo
Gina: ok how about tmrw if you still feel the same we will all go to the doctor
You: sure
Amy: also guys Jake figured out
Rosa: WHAT
Gina: AMY
You stay quiet
Jake: can I talk to josh
You: no
Jake: rude why
You: he's busy driving
Josh: no I can ta-
You hit him lightly
You: yea sucks
Jake: ok I know your lying so I'll just call him
You: I'll throw the phone out the window
All the girls laugh
You: if you tell anyone I will dislocate your arm
Jake: got it
You: thanks
Rosa: watch her dislocate your arm Jake
Gina: your not even that old how can you mess up that
You: we could hack his email?
Jake: no we need to hack all their emails
You: or just delete the email simple
Jake: ok you can delete it from Josh's phone
You: it would have been his why would I do that
Jake: true true
You: your such a idiot
Rosa: alright if you come to the precinct we can
Jake: oh yea your not doing anything so we can just tell them the truth
You: I'm actually very busy mhm VERY
Josh mouths: lies
You mouth: shut up
Jaden: Josh how long till your here
Josh: uhh maybe 20 ish minutes
Bryce: alright we're gonna go now
Griffin: heads up nessa's here
Nessa: hey Joshy
Josh: ugh again
Rosa: ugh JOSHS ex
You: mhm
Amy: are you listening to them
You: mhm
Gina: can you kill him
You: mhm speaker
You put them on speaker
Nessa: come on you know you love me
Josh: I very much don't
Nessa: come on ditch Katherine
Josh: no thank you
Nessa: Josh you know that English boy Freddie is gonna win her
Josh: Katherine isn't a object and that boy isn't gonna be near her at all
Nessa: jealous huh? Take out your anger on me
Josh: I already took all my anger out
Nessa: you know she's obviously just using you
Josh: what for
Nessa: your body
Josh: actually you use me for my body Katherine isn't like you she has a heart and you don't soo
Nessa: you guys f*cked 3 times in one day let me make it 4
Josh: we also f*cked for 4 days straight
Nessa: how the hell can she take that
Josh: miracle
Nessa: I can take it too
Josh: Nessa you want me for my body she wants me for me and the way I am so I 100% prefer her over you
Nessa: she texted me and told me she's using you
Josh: you know what I'm so tired of you Nessa I'm so tired of your lies and you being you I hate the fact your still in my life so I'm asking you to leave me the f*ck alone
You show him your texts quickly so he knows
Josh mouths: I believe you idiot
You laugh quietly
Josh ends the call with his friends since you guys are at the house
Rosa: let me get this straight
Amy: 4 DAYS
Jake: HOW
You and Josh laugh
Josh: it's a talent
You: yea it's something you can't do Jake
You all laugh
Amy: well Jake even if you can not with me it better be in the after life
Jake gulps
Amy chuckles
Josh: I'm gonna go deal with Nessa
You: phone
Josh: why
You: games?
He gives it to you and you go on a game
Josh quickly kisses you and goes
You and the girls face time and you get on the phone with a doctor from Josh's phone
Rosa: what are you doing
You: calling the doctor
???: hello how may I help
You: hii my name is Katherine mikealson me and my boyfriend did the dirty and I was on birth control and protection and all of that in the morning I felt like throwing up and I did but my stomach also hurts and it still hurts it like every hour or so I feel like a sharp pain but I took a pregnancy test and It was negative so I have no clue what's wrong with me
Doctor: well depending on how intense it was could lead to side effects and it's rare but birth control pills can affect you it has many side effects but you shouldn't have this feeling on Tuesday since it's Monday and the situation happened yesterday that's a two day space but from now till tomorrow is a one day space meaning by the end of tomorrow if you still have this feeling you have to contact us
You: ok thanks for helping
Doctor: any time
You end the call
Amy: so good news your not sick
You: yea I guess
Rosa: want me to come pick you up
You: I'm with Josh and his friends I'm just waiting in the car because Nessa
You roll your eyes
Gina: do I sense jealousy
You: no you sense murder
Rosa: I'm loving this side of you
You: I just want to crumble her shes like oh you wanna fight I literally slapped her and she fell crying
You look up from the camera/phone and you see Nessa she has a blade with her and she's holding it up
You: this physco b*tch has a blade
Rosa: ok she needs to die
You: agreed
You see the girls coming to you in the car
You: I'm gonna go and call you guys later byeee
You end the call
Avani: hey
Her Charli and Dixie go in the car
You: hi guys
Charli: 1) I wish you were pregnant
2) Freddie explain
You give her the details on Freddie
Dixie: what about the pregnancy
You explain everything
Avani: we're 100% coming if your not feeling well by the end of tomorrow
You: it's probably gonna go away soon
You see Nessa coming up to the car with the blade in her hand you lock the car and ignore it
You: alright Nessa has a blade with her so that's great
Dixie: she's cray cray
You: I know right
Avani: honestly I can't wait till she dies
You all laugh she knocks at the window you look and ignore it
Charli: ok yea she's crazy
You: why does she not like you guys
Charli: because apparently we "tried to take josh from her"
You roll your eyes
You: she's a little stupid
You: I mean very stupid
They all agree
You: maybe I should just go out the car and like face it
You text Rosa to bring back up (the work gc)
Josh comes on the other side of the window and gets into the car quickly and locks it again
You give him his phone
Josh: are you guys ok
You all nod
Josh: she said she dosent like the girls or you
You: well I know why she dosent like me even tho it's not my fault but why the girls?
Josh: she said she doesn't like them because they are famous and that they act up sometimes and because she just doesn't like them
You: weird well I called for back up have you got your badge on you
Josh: yep
You: so we're technically allowed to arrest her
Josh: she wants to shoot everyone but me
You: what did the boys do
Josh shrugs
You: alright well stay safe
You kiss his cheek quickly
Josh: are you crazy we're not going out there
You: I'm not crazy and Rosa isn't that far behind
Rosa texts: it's a risk but I have your back come out the car and get your gun
You text: already got it stay safe try and come
She comes closer holding up her gun
You get out the car with your gun behind your back

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