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Recap: your brothers died and there was no way to bring them back

End of recap

Rosa: wow
Amy: that's really it
You stand there looking at your brothers with no emotion
Jake: kath?
You don't reply and just walk out
Rosa: shes after Nessa
They follow behind you and you see Nessa walking out
Quinton: she is gonna beat up your ex girlfriend Josh
Nessa sees you and she can tell your angry she starts running and you run after her
You chase after her and you grab her by her arm
You: Nessa I'm gonna make your life living hell and if you come closer to my family in any way you can find you won't have a family or maybe you will but you won't see them you might see my family assuming you know what I mean of course...
I will kill you
Nessa: your not that strong
You: you sure
You kick her back then you walk to her and drop down squating
You: Are you sure
Nessa: I'm sorry
You: now you have 5 seconds and j don't wanna see your face again
She starts getting up
She runs off
You go the graveyard that's not far
You walk around finding your mums one and you lay down talking to her
You: hey mum I spoke to you yesterday but I miss you and I wanna speak to you again today
So today was fun for most of the day at least I had fun at work today I spoke with someone and now we're on good terms and there's this girl Nessa someone's crazy ex she's after our entire family I don't know why, anyway you raised me to fight for everything and for your family so that's what I'm gonna do anyways this whole scene happened
You explain when Rebekah came back and all of that...

The doctor told me I can't bring them back to life of anything which obviously I know that but like I wish I didn't

You lay down is silence for a bit

Someone comes and lays next to you
You look and see Rebekah
You: hey
Rebekah: daily talks
You nod
You: at least the boys are actually gonna get to talk to her
You both laugh for a second
Rebekah: I'm gonna leave town to be with Marcel
You: k bye
Rebekah: no dramatic exit
You: no
Rebekah: see you soon then
She leaves
You: I don't know why she always escapes her problems it's so weird
Rosa lays down next to you
Rosa: hey
You: hi
You both lay in silence but it's not awkward
Rosa: daily talk
You: yep
Rosa: wanna talk for a bit
You both sit up and you nod
Rosa: where's Rebekah
You: she left to be with Marcel
Rosa: she's leaving you at this time?
You: it's normal Rosa I basically have no family now so that's just great
Rosa: you have us
You: which is Amazing
Rosa: but not klaus or kol or Elijah or Finn
You: I just don't understand how all of them are dead
Rosa: I agree I mean I expected one of them to die
You: exactly but not all of them
She agrees with you
You: it's so annoying because I can't hurt Nessa because she's Josh's ex so it's gonna be weird
Rosa: do you even care she's Josh's ex
You: that's the thing I literally don't care what she is to her I care about Josh and who knows what he's gonna feel like if I kill her I mean they dated for a long time I'm guessing
Rosa: I done a backround check 9 months
You: and she's not pregnant wow
You both laugh a little
Rosa: what's her deal with you
You shrug
You: I honestly don't know and when I ask josh he ignores me and when I ask her she brings up josh it's to confusing I don't get it
Rosa: are you dumb
You: thanks
Rosa slaps your head
You: OW
Rosa: it's because she thinks your Josh's girlfriend she's jealous
You: oh but why would she think that
Rosa hits you again
Rosa: because you guys act like a couple plus your both always running off somewhere like what do you do
You: we don't act like a couple
She shows you a video
You: ok that's low to record me
She chuckles and shows you him all over you (hugging and cheek kissing all of that)
You: maybe I should tell her
Rosa: keep her jealous
You: yea but she's gonna keep on targeting every last bit of me because she thinks we're dating when we're not
She gives you a look
You: what I'm serious
Rosa: if you say so
You: I would have told you
Rosa: but what if your brothers are actually dead
You shrug
You: I'll handle it like a normal person and just ignore it
Rosa: I can talk to sir get you a few days of
You: he already offered but I'm fine I don't need any days off
Rosa: I understand if you can handle the death of one person but not four
You: I can handle it I really can
Rosa: I'm gonna challenge you
You: game on
Rosa: I'm really happy that you only open up to me and I only open up to you
You: I talk to other people about these things you just understand it more
Rosa: my parents hate me right now
You: why
Rosa: told them I'm bi
You: sheesh that's a tough one on them
Rosa: my dad isn't speaking to me my mum blocked me in every place I can contact her they are even thinking of moving houses because I know where they live
You: did you say "I'm bi" and walk off
Rosa: how did you know
You give her a look
You: Rosa you need to have a one on one conversation
Rosa: I'm not doing that
You: I challenge you
Rosa: game on but I have one question
You: fire away
Rosa: why aren't you more upset about your brothers
You: because it's normal for people to walk out iv actually started this cycle since I was 5 im 18 now and I'm more upset then you think I'm just not showing it
Rosa: but that's not healthy for you to be used to something like that
You: It's fine
Rosa: what would you do if josh walks out of your life
You: in what way
Rosa: he just leaves and you guys never speak again
You: I would be sad maybe cry but keep a distance from boys for a good amount of time OR I would pull a mikealson special
She chuckles
Rosa: I vote mikealson special
You: me too
You both laugh
Rosa: what are you gonna do about Nessa
You: I'm gonna do something I just don't know what
Rosa: arrest her and her friends
You: I can't
Rosa: why
You: the other girls have some sort of relationship with Josh's friends and I don't wanna be mean to them otherwise the boys are gonna hate me and I'm not become a second version of Nessa
Rosa laughs
You: what I'm serious
Rosa: why do you care about their opinions so much
You: uhhhh because I mean josh and me I don't wanna be like that girl they all hate you know
Rosa: so you and josh are dating
You: NO
Rosa: quick to denie
You: what?
Rosa: I'm suspicious of you
You: I didn't eve- what
Rosa: there's something going on with you and Josh
You: No there isn't stalker
Rosa pushes you
You push her back
Rosa pushes you again and you push her again and she pushes you and you fall laughing
???: excuse me miss we are in a graveyard
You: I'm so sorry
You get up
You: uh praying for your dead family
???: excuse you
You: I don't mean tha- I me-
Rosa whispers: shut up
While laughing
You: what I'm trying to say is I'm sorry your friend or family died
???: I appreciate it 
You and Rosa walk off and she's laughing
You: shut up
Rosa: you said praying for your dead family
You: I didn't know what to say
Rosa laughs
You: ugh
You get a call from someone
???: you have to come and you have a few minutes since we are close to you
They send the location
Then they end the call
Rosa: what's up
You: someone called me to come to there place I have a few minutes and they sounded kinda scary like Deep voice
Rosa nods knowing what you mean
You: anyway I'm gonna go there not risking anything
Rosa: ooo I wanna come
You: nope who knows what might happen
Rosa: true that's why I'm coming
You both rush to the car and you drive there
You knock on the door
Someone pulls you and Rosa into the house
Then locks the door behind
You: wow this place is nice
???: and so are you
You: thanks
???: your welcome now iv heard about your brothers death which means it's down to you or Rebekah to give us our money and since your the one here your gonna do it or you can stay here for a day or two have a bit of fun with us
You: good idea but if she gets to go then I agree
Rosa: I wanna stay this seems fun
You: if you want
???: great we have a deal
You both nod
???: I'm James
???: I'm Corby
???: Mark
James: the rest will be here later
He takes of his shirt and comes closer to you
You: ew back off
You kick him away from you
James: that was the deal
You: shut up
James: I'm serious
He closes the curtains and you sit there feeling a little weird
Rosa: ewww I'm not watching this
You: look infront of you
Rosa smirks
Rosa: I actually wanna do this so I'm fine
Her and mark go upstairs
James: so it's just me you and Corby can you take that
You: I can take more then you think
Corby: would you like to show us
You: no I wouldn't And I'm not gonna have s*x with you
James: why is that sweet heart
You: because ur ugly and I don't like you and James barret I don't like your sister
He gasps
James knocks on marks door and he lets Rosa out but they exchange numbers then you and Rosa leave
Rosa: what did you say to them
You: James barret Nessa barret she needs to stay away from me I'm gonna file a complaint and get a thing where she can't come within 10 feet of me
Rosa chuckles
Rosa: did you have fun
You: UNLIKE YOU I refused
You drive to her to her house then you drive to yours when you go there you see josh sitting at the front porch
You: hey how long have you been here
Josh: very long
You help him up and take him inside with you
You: wanna stay at mine or want me to drive you to yours
Josh: here
You take him to your room
You: I'll make you a hot drink if you want
Josh: there's another way to make me warm
He smirks
He laughs
Josh: you can try it
You: no I actually wanna help
Josh: where have you been
You: out with Rosa
Josh: you look like you've just been running
You: because I was
You laugh
You: it's funny basically we were somewhere and this person called me telling me blah blah so yea me and Rosa went there turns out it was Nessa brothers anyway they were gonna have s*x with us but then I stopped it
Josh: thank you for stopping it
He kisses your cheek

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