Part 15

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Hisoka: that doesn't matter right now. You didn't pick up my calls or answer my texts.... now what are we going to do about that?


Y/n: nothing, you deserved it now get the fuck out

You turned your head away from him and in return he put his hand on your chin and forced you to look at him.

Hisoka: awww y/n you hurt my feelings

He said with a pouty face.

Y/n: holy fuck Hisoka take the hint. Get out

Hisoka: are u sure you want me to leave?

He put his hand on your inner thigh. Which made your breathing become sharper and faster.

Y/n: ok that's it I've had enough

Hisoka: oh really? What are you going to d-

You used your poisonous aura to put him to sleep.

Y/n: that's what I'm gonna do

You laughed for a bit and then you pushed him off the bed making his limp body fall on the ground. (It was kinda funny🤣) so you laughed out loud for a few more seconds before you went back to sleep.

You woke up and saw Hisoka still lying on the ground next to your bed. So you just left him there and went to go make yourself and him some breakfast. You fried some eggs in a pan and made some toast and cut up 2 tomatoes and split up the food into 2 different plates. You went back to bed and turned on the T.V and you heard some low grunts coming from the bottom of your bed. So you peeked your head out of your bed and saw Hisoka waking up grabbing his head.

Hisoka: what the fuck happened
Hisoka: why does my head hurt
Hisoka: wait last I remember I was talking to you
Hisoka: what did you do?
Hisoka: darling? What did you do to me?

Y/n: WOW SO many questions... and I don't feel like answering them right now

Hisoka: you must tell me what happened or I'll-

Y/n: you'll what huh? Like I told you in the beginning Hisoka, you have nothing to hold over me. I am just as powerful as you if not more. So (you put your hand on his chin) be a good boy and got get me a coffee (you pat his head and lye down back on the bed)

Hisoka: excuse me?

Y/n: oh... my apologies I forgot to dismiss you... errand boy, your excused

Hisoka: I-.... (he didn't know what to say NOBODY had ever spoken to him like that before)

Hisoka: oh darling (he chuckles) you must have woken up on the wrong side of the bed because (he ties up your entire body in his bungee gum) nobody (he gets up and walks towards you) and I mean nobody (he positions his lips next to your ear) orders me around (he said in a firm tone of voice) oh and (he chuckles out loud) it really is funny how you think your stronger than me. Darling.... c'mon now don't go fooling yourself thinking this little act your doing right now will work on me.

He traces his index finger down your cheek.

Hisoka: we both know that I'm the one in control here. (He chuckles again) it's cute tho, all those little attempts to try and be in control of the situation. (He stands up) but nonetheless never forget (he squeezes your cheeks with his right hand, hard) that I can kill you any time I want. The moment you no longer please me or entertain me..... I might just kill you (he smiles and kisses your cheek)

Y/n: You really thi-

He put bungee gum over your mouth

Hisoka: Have some respect y/n I wasnt done speaking yet. (He walks up closer to you) awww look at you all helpless... cant even call for help (he laughs).... (then he walks up to you and grips your throat really tightly, to the point of where your almost not able to breath) I could do anything I fucking want to you, and there isn't a single thing you could do about it

He tightens the grip he has on your neck, now you can't breath. You squirm trying to get out of his grip but your entire body is tied up and he keeps squeezing harder and harder on your neck.

Hisoka: Your weak get that through your head. Your lucky I even gave you the time of day. Honestly y/n did you really think you could over power me?! (He laughs)  I mean it's me we're talking about here, not one of those weak insignificant humans you fought at the arena. You could never beat me. (His eyes went cold and his face was expressionless)

There wasn't enough oxygen going into your brain. He forgot he was even gripping your throat so tightly. And he just kept squeezing harder and harder.

Hisoka: your nothing without me. Your less than trash y/n.

And those were the last words you heard before you passed out.


Hi guys sorry it took me so long  to post. I'm kinds dealing with stuff rn. Hisoka is showing this toxic side and his god complex a little bit here. I hope you enjoyed it.

If you have any ideas as to what should happen next please comment because I'm kinda running out of ideas.

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