Part 14

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That was too close thank god I heard his foot steps.


Hisoka: oh....uh.... you were taking a long time so I just.... got worried

Y/n: well as you can see I'm perfectly fine....

You gave him a look signalling for him to leave. It took him a good few seconds to catch on.

Hisoka: oh right...

He walked away.

Hisoka's POV:

Bruh what am I doinggg. Wait no, there is NO WAY she's perfectly fine after last night

I smirked

I just KNOW she won't be able to keep this up for much longer!!

Y/n POV:

I can't keep this up for much longer...

You walked out of the bathroom walking some what normally and you guys shopped around for like 2 more hours and you sat down in a store to try on a new pair of shoes.

Y/n: I want these

Hisoka: anything for you darling~

Hisoka: ok let's go check out

Y/n: ok

You try to get off the chair you were trying the shoes on but you legs aren't listening to you. You trying to get but you physically can't. After all that walking your legs are literally about to snap in two.

Hisoka: darling let's go......

He gave you a bit of a confused look and you looked up at him. He kept looking at you until he realised what's happening and he laughed out loud.

Y/n: shut the fuck up

You rolled your eyes and looked away. He grabbed your chin and moves it so you were now making eye contact with him. You still had a mad look on your face.

Hisoka: there is nothing to be ashamed of darling~

He had a sly smirk on his face.

Hisoka: ok let's go home now
Hisoka: c'mon g-get up

He said in a mocking tone as he laughed at you.


Hisoka: round 2??


Y/n:  No there won't be a round 2 EVER FUCK OFF

At this point everyone was staring at the both of you but you didn't care you wanted to tel him off there and then. You were so pissed and suddenly an idea popped into your head....

Y/n: you know what you clown.... I'm gonna FUCKING peg you

You smirked and started laughing. Hisoka's eyes widened.

Hisoka: You saying it like I'm against it or something....

Holy fuck.... this kinky fucker

Y/n: I-..... just fuck you.... you did this on purpose you knew all this walking was bad for me and yet you decided to do this for you own fucking amusement. You sadistic cocky bitch

Hisoka: woah woah calm down, how about we channel all that anger into something else.... ( he smirked )

Y/n: I don't wanna fucking talk to you right now let alone fuck you

You got up to walk away but as soon as you stood up you fell in the ground

Y/n: FUCK... hisoka pick me up.... RIGHHT NOW I WANNA GO HOME

Hisoka: alright alright just stop screaming

He picked you up princess style and you buried your head in his chest from the embarrassment, because everyone in the store was staring at you. He carried you out of the mall and the valet worker brought his car around. He opened the door and sat you in the passengers seat and then opened the trunk and put all the bags into it. He got in the car and just started laughing really loudly. He put his hand over his mouth trying to contain his laughter but it just made him laugh even more. You buckled up and turned your head away from him looking out the window.

Y/n: well what the fuck are you waiting for huh? DRIVE

Hisoka: ok ok... but first I want a kiss

He said tapping his index finger in the side of his cheek.


You turned your head towards him and gave him a death stare.

Y/n: Hisoka Morrow if you don't start the car and drive me home right now I will never talk to you again!

Hisoka: awwww now that would be devastating wouldn't it.

Y/n: you know what FUCK YOU I'm fucking leaving!

You opened the car door and got out. You turned on your phone and opened the Uber app.

Hisoka: c'mon darling just get back in the car. All I'm asking for is a kiss. Plus look at you, you can barely stand staring (he said with a smile on his face)

You just ignored him and ordered yourself and Uber. Hisoka kept trying to convince you to get in the car when your Uber finally arrived.

Y/n: bye bye~

You got in the Uber and drive away leaving Hisoka alone.

You got back into your room and collapsed on your bed. You fell asleep.

A few hours later—————————

You woke up and checked your phone and saw that you had 6 missed calls and 10 unread messages from Hisoka. You ignored it and went back to sleep. A few more hours later you wake up and the first thing you see is a pair of golden eyes staring at you. You rub your eyes to see if your still dreaming but nope he's still there.

Y/n: H-hisoka?

Hisoka: You know you really broke my heart when you left me there.... all alone in the car.

Y/n: how the fuck did you get into my room?! (You said tired because you had just woken up)

He leaned in closer and whispered in your ear:

Hisoka: that doesn't matter right now. You didn't pick up my calls or answer my texts.... now what are we going to do about that?

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