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Summer, 1939

The weather had been warmer, sunnier. Due to this, Howard had given his favourite employee time off, or maybe it was because she never took time off in the first place.

Bucky had decided to take her up to the coast, his aunt owned a place up there and he wanted to have a special week with her, a week when work wasn't on her mind.

"Even the drive is beautiful.." She said, not taking her eyes off the world around her, like she was caught in a trance.

"Not as beautiful as you darling, not even a scratch on you" Bucky laughed as he looked at her, momentarily taking his eyes on the clear road.

"You love to compliment me Buck.." She said, his words must have broken her daze as she turned back to him.

"I like to love you, darling" He said, putting that little grin on his face.

They pulled in close to the house, a bit far from the sea but that wouldn't stop her. Sofia hopped out of the car in her blue sun dress, going straight for the water, followed by her love who just decided to go with it.

Toes in the water, she felt the sea side breeze all around her, even getting that weird taste of sea salt from it. Bucky had caught up to her, pulling her in before looking at the open sea himself.

"This is paradise.." He muttered, placing a small kiss on her forehead.

He turned her around, seeming to be some what nervous.

"Are you okay, Buck?"

She smiled at him, causing him to nervously laugh and began to get something off of his chest.

"Darling, I have to ask you something and I was going to do it later but I just think-" He was uncontrollably rambling on, the nerves were getting to him.

"Bucky-" She said taking his hands, "What ever you need to tell me, you can tell me"

He was acting the same way he was when he first asked her on a date, so utterly nervous.

"I wanna marry you.."

Taken aback, not even able to form words for her excitement, she just jumped straight into his arms. Granted, Bucky almost did drop the ring into the ocean, but he managed to keep it in his hand until slipping it onto her finger.

"So you'll do it, you'll marry me?" He said, hardly able to contain himself.

"Of course I'll marry you!"

The only emotion she could could feel was love, complete love for Bucky, and the thought of why he didn't ask her sooner.

"Wait a moment!" Bucky called, rummaging in her bag that was placed on the rocks.

He pulled out the little camera devise Howard had gotten her for her birthday. The present was actually give about three months after her special day, but she would never turn town a gift.

"Stay still, I want to remember this day forever!" He called, trying to take her photograph.

She was further up ahead, body facing where they were going and head turned slightly back to look at him. The sun set had created a beautiful orange sky and Bucky couldn't get over how beautiful she looked.

"You are as perfect as they come.." He muttered, finally taking the picture and catching up with his love.

The week was spent relaxing, hanging out in the town square and enjoying our days without a care in the world.

"You will like it, it's a quiet little place.."

Sofia had insisted Bucky accompanied her to a little book store, a local had recommended it and she wanted company.

"You already own your on little library, do you really need more to read?" He joked, linking her arm as they walked through the busy streets of the sea side town.

"The thing about library's is, they are always growing.." She laughed, placing a small kiss on his cheek.

Through an almost invisible alley, they arrived to an adorable little book store. After a squeal of excitement, Sofia grabbed Bucky's hand and ran inside.

She searched through every isle, looking for things to add to her collection, when she lay eyes on something she forgot existed.

"Murder on the Orient Express'" She mumbled, picking the book up and flicking through the pages.

"You like that one?" Bucky nervously laughed, most likely nervous that the stack of books he was carrying was going to fall.

"I used to read this all the time, before bed, mainly when I was trying to get my mind off of you.." She smiled, still looking through the pages.

"So you needed a book to get me off your mind, I find that a bit insulting" He laughed.

"Before you asked me out, before any of this happen!" She smiled, still sobbing through the chapters.

"So you loved me, before I asked you-"

"No, no! Stop it!" She said, hitting his arm almost causing a literate landslide.

"It's alright darling, I have loved you long before any of this happened too.." He laughed, rebalancing himself after the hit. "And I'm buying you that book, as a reminder that you love me.."

Dear Sofia [Bucky Barnes]Where stories live. Discover now