Chapter 45: Classy Girls Wear Pearls

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Under the dreamy night sky, at the heart of Paris, France, a breathtaking goddess walked inside an exclusive bar, her presence garnering a lot of attention.

It wasn't simply for the beauty that she held in that cold stone face of hers, but with the hourglass body that she owned, it wasn't questionable for a whole crowd to have their sole focus on her.

Dark brunette waves became the crown of her head, following suit with her black, off-shoulder, sweetheart neckline, bodycon, silk dress that amplified every curve and seduction that her figure had.

The regal, elegant and obviously expensive black corset remained tight as ribbon on top of her dress, boasting to the crowd who had the privilege of seeing her, her ant-like waist.

However, the style that she wore did not stop there. Further amplifying the prettiest points of her body, the female partnered her dress with black chanel stockings, white Lou Boutin heels, and finally topping it off with a white Italian fur coat with some jewelries.

The newcomer had exuded elegance and poise in every step she made, showing to watchers the confidence she had on her self.

Her long strides along with every click that her heels made became a symphony of a new prey to every man that had a starving gaze on her.

Her lips were tainted red, a great comparison to the light that her diamond earrings had given to anyone on the view.

Most of the opposite sex inside the location had continued to give her side glances despite having their own conversations. Their gazes following her figure from up and down. Obviously checking her out.

From her long toned model legs up to the itty bitty tiny waist that she owned, all the way to the breasts that seem to be perfectly hugged by the dress' neckline, and finally to her soft lips that kept puckering every-time she had looked at her mobile.

She sat herself on a high stool chair that was directly in front of the bar's drinks and server. The gorgeous female crossed her legs, exposing more of it.

"Mademoiselle quelle boisson aimeriez-vous?"
"Miss what drink would you like?"

"Du vin rouge ferait l'affaire, un verre de Château Lafite 1787 serait adorable"
"Red wine would do, a glass of the Château Lafite 1787 would be lovely"

Silence slowly erupted from the crowd, the jazz music on the background the only saving grace from preventing the place into becoming a deadly quietly zone.

She remained indifferent to it, the way she had spoken seemed so casual and unmoved, yet the bartender that stood before her had slowly lost colour from his face.

The French were dignified and knowledgable of their winery, which meant that the infamous Château Lafite 1787 was not a foreign bottle to a crowd that drank alcohol for breakfast.

The reason for the popularity of the bottle of wine was not simply brought about by its rich flavour based from its plantation and harvest back in the 17th century, but also because of the gratifying fact that a bottle of the infamous wine costs $160,000.

It was a wine that used to be bought and served by British Prime Ministers and US Presidents. Which meant that, the way that the bartender had visibly gulped from hearing the name of the wine, was not a surprising reaction.

The wealthy individual simply got turned down by the server and was told that the wine was not available at the bar that she was in.

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