Adam's attention snapped away from his meaningless sketches. He recognized the voice in an instant. Its soft enchanting sound took center stage in his most recent fantasies.

"Well said, Ms. Wright," the teacher replied.

Clara sat in the second row with her long brown hair pulled over her shoulder. Luke's words about needing a tutor echoed in his mind and he found himself agreeing with his friend. He would get Clara to tutor him because he wanted to enjoy his year, not because he wanted an excuse to be around her.

The seconds seemed to slow as he waited for the class to be dismissed. He was almost bouncing in his seat as the teacher wrapped up the day's lesson and the students shuffled out of the small lecture room. Adam stood outside the door as he waited for Clara to exit the building. He was at her side the moment she did.

"So, you're taking Creative Writing this year?" he asked.

"I guess I am," Clara replied. The hostility in her tone did not escape him.

He gently tugged her arm, pulling her beautiful gaze to his. "I'm sorry, did I piss you off somehow? Because if I did, I'm truly sorry. And I'd like to start over."

Clara looked as if she was holding something back, but she finally said, "Yeah. Sure. Let's start over." With a million-watt smile, she held out her hand and said, "I'm Clara."

"Adam." He tried dazzling her with his own grin as he shook her hand. "Would you like to get some coffee with me?"

It felt like a small victory when she agreed. He guided her to the nearest coffee stand before she could change her mind. He found himself distracted by the way the wind pulled at her hair the way it had at the football game.

He tugged at her low ponytail as he asked, "Do you always wear your hair pulled back?"

"Usually," she replied before swatting his hand away. "It's just easier."

"But you didn't the night of the party," Adam said as they found an open table.

For a moment, she looked confused. "That was Rose's doing. Why the fascination with my hair?"

"No. I'm not." He tried to brush it off. "Just making small talk. Actually, I need to ask you a serious question?"

"You wanted to know if you spent too much time on your own hair?"

"No!" His hand pulled at his brown strands. He didn't think a little styling wax was too much, but her sudden comment made him feel like he overdid it. "Umm ... no. I was wondering if you would be willing to tutor me?

Clara's big brown eyes froze as her smile fell. "Wait, seriously?"

"Yes. I would pay you, of course. A little extra cash couldn't hurt, right?" Clara seemed lost for words. Adam pushed on. "I would fully compensate you for your time."

"What's the catch?"

"No catch."

"I don't buy that. You seem like the type of guy who comes with a catch."

Adam's brow rose and his mouth stretched into a lazy smirk. "Judging me before you know me?"

"Just calling it like I see it."

He should have acted offended, but the fiery look in Clara's eyes caused his pants to tighten in response. He loved a woman with a little fire in her. Women like that were equally entertaining in the bedroom. The image of Clara lying on his bed with the same burning look in her eyes provoked him more.

Matching the heat in her eyes with his own, Adam said, "I thought you weren't supposed to judge a book by its cover."

To his disappointment, Clara only shrugged as she took another sip of her coffee. Damn. He was hoping for a much more heated response. Instead, he was the one left craving more.

"So what do you say? Be my tutor?"

Clara thought about his offer. Adam desperately wanted to know what went on behind those beautiful brown eyes. Instead of agreeing, she asked, "You need a tutor for creative writing?"

"Not exactly. I need a general tutor. You know, for all subjects. I'm not dumb or anything, I just—" Adam stopped himself before he talked his way into a hole. "Look, I'll be honest with you. My mother has put me on lockdown this year. I need a tutor who will help make sure I stay ahead of the curve."

"You don't need a tutor. It sounds like you need an assistant."

A sharp snort escaped his lips. He couldn't tell her that having an assistant was what got him into this mess. Sending her the most charming smile he could muster, he asked, "So will you help me out?"

His heart rate accelerated as he waited for her answer. It was maddening not knowing what danced beyond her brown eyes as she thought about his offer.

"Fine," she said in one long, hesitant breath, "but let's talk more about this compensation."

Adam grinned ear to ear. "Whatever you'd like, Teach."    

A/N: I apologize for the lack of  update last Weds! I was out of town and found out too late that there was no internet! Ahh! Not a happy writer. But to make up for it, Chapter 6 will be posted later tonight! 

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