and soon those voices stopes, with hesitation she removed her hands from her ears and the room again filled with dead silence.

half an hour later she heard heavy footsteps approaching her . he hugged her keens further and pushed her more into the wall because all she wanted to do is to disappear into the walls

soon those steps stop near her door, hearing that Aykiz stops her breathing, a creaking sound was heard and the doorknob starts turning the person who is outside the door was trying to open it but can't because she has locked the door from inside.

"fuck this door is locked boss what should I do now " a girl's voice was heard which means whoever wants to come inside is a girl. but who is the boss she is talking to?

a second later she heard something slide from the sill of the door. Aykiz looks at the thing and it was an envelope. after that, the footstep starts leaving which indicates that the girl left.

with hesitation Aykiz stands up and starts moving towards the envelope, she bends down to take the envelope. taking it in her hands she went back to the window wall, she again came back to the previous position and then she takes a good look at the envelope.

there was only one thing that was written on the envelope 'for Aykiz ' except that nothing was there. who is it from or who send it, was not written?

she open the envelope temporizingly when the envelope opened she looks inside it there was a letter and a few pictures Aykiz takes a deep breath and then she takes the letter out and open it the handwriting was quite unusual as the person who wrote it don't want it to be recognised. she starts reading the letter.

' Dear Aykiz I know you always wanted to know about what happened to your mother and how she died. no one ever tells you about it because they are scared to hurt your little heart but I know how important it is for you to know about this. with a heavy heart, I'm telling you that your mother didn't die a natural death, she was ruthlessly killed by non-other than Malik Family. Zaviyar killed your father so gently but your mother was tortured and murdered by your father-in-law Zaviyar's father

your good wisher'     

Aykiz's heart skips a beat after reading it, it hurt so bad in her heart that no one can ever imagine. her hands shiver in fear as her body trembles. with shivering hands, she took out those pictures which were inside the envelope.

she close her eyes in fear slowly she opened her eyes a dreadful scream left her mouth and those tears that she was trying to control left her eyes in misery. and then tear after tear left her eyes she don't even realise that she started crying with hiccups.

she place a hand on her mouth to stop herself from sobbing but that didn't work. she cried and cried
until she can't anymore.

Zaviyar comes home late at night as he tries his best to get himself busy but he can't, he just remembers those events all day.

as soon as he enters the house he went straight into his room not wanting to see Aykiz's face because if he do then it will be the last day of Aykiz on this planet, he is going to kill her if he sees her because of the amount of hate he had for her

he opens his window and sits on the window wall just like Aykiz except that he has a carten of alcohol with him and he starts drinking it, soon his senses left.

he close his eyes trying to forget everything when suddenly he heard screams of his mother begging for mercy crying and crying. her voice starts ringing in his head just like Aykiz.

"We love you more than our lives


"we will meet again "

"Don't cry my son it's all going to be over soon "

Zaviyar heard his mother's sweet voice. and the tears left his eyes.

"this is never going to End mom. you lied to me when you said that the Khan Family is our friend. you lied to me when you said that we will live in peace. you lied to me when my caretaker runs away with some other man. That thing which you said were all lie MOM THEY WERE ALL LIE "

the tears were falling from his eyes as he cannot take the stress anymore. he took the empty bottles of alcohol and throws them on the wall making them break into millions of pieces.


he takes a deep breath again.

"mom it's just that I wasn't ready for you to say goodbye, I wasn't ready for you to leave, and I would never be ." he rubs his hand on his face to remove the tears then continues again.

"But it was from you that I have learnt that life will strike you but it's on me how I protect myself, and I have protected myself like dad, I'll strike life before it can strike me  "

"Don't be like your father " his mother's voice rang again.

"I love you, but my dad will always be my idol, it was dads way in which I survive life after you all, your way of living is too innocent for this cruel world "

"you look like a devil "

"mom I don't think the devil is with a red man with  horns and  a tail, he's can be beautiful, he's just a fallen angel, after all, he used to be gods favourite"

"mom I don't think the devil is with a red man with  horns and  a tail, he's can be beautiful, he's just a fallen angel, after all, he used to be gods favourite"

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OK so first of all thanks for waiting patiently.
Secondly, only 71 votes on the last chapter yar who itna bhi bura nahi tha.
And one more thing I want to give you guys a double update but I think it'll get boring reading two long chapters continuously so I'm going to update in an hour.
And last but not least the surprise death I was talking about is in the next chapter.  I wanted to write that chapter since I started writing this story so I WANT YOUR REVIEWS IN THE NEXT CHAPTER. Because I'm going to post them on my Instagram highlights

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