your name

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Tags: cute, clueless

"Oh! Hello! You're up!" A deep chirpy voice says, making Lisa jump a little.

The jerk from the movement doesn't do well for her head as she heaves a big sigh, willing for the white walls above her to stop spinning. Her finger twitches and she realizes her knuckles are restrained with something that feels like a shit ton of gauzes - she's not sure.

" I?" Lisa says after she feels a little stable, squinting against the bright lights overhead to look at the owner of the voice as her eyes widen a little.


"The hospital! Allegedly, you were drunk and riding your bike and then ended up crashing it right by the lawn of someone's house. While it did not really harm anyone in the house, the lawn looks like a murder scene. You know, because of your blood! You did lose a lot... but hey, now you're up!" Lisa stares at the girl in front of her with awe, almost missing all the things she just said.

"Who are you?" She asks breathlessly, taking in every little detail of the gorgeous girl in front of her.

In being so breathless, she realizes her chest hurts a little everytime she breathes. She hopes she did not break a rib.

"Your nurse. Doesn't the outfit make it obvious?" The girl says with a bright smile just like she had since the beginning as she sways her pink uniform left and right.

You're too hot to be a nurse, Lisa thinks in her head and gulps, averting her eyes to the small radio on the edge of the table far across from her.

The girl continues after Lisa doesn't offer a response, "I'll try to keep the inspectors a while. You know, 'til you're stable enough to talk to them and pay the fine." She fiddles with the saline drip a little.

"Fine?" Lisa asks, turning to her, taking a not-so-subtle glance at her now protruded chest.

"Because you weren't abiding by the traffic safety rules and all that stuff. The owner of the lawn somehow isn't going to charge anything. Hmm, kinda weird. But good for you!" The nurse says cheerfully, finally turning to her again, eyes roaming on the screens behind Lisa.

"I need to call my manager, please." Lisa says as a certain dizziness kicks in.

"He's outside. Probably being interrogated by the inspectors. Poor guy." The nurse says and her face scrunches up as Lisa gives her an acknowledging look because nodding would seriously fuck with her head.

"Dizzy?" The nurse asks.

"Yes." Lisa mutters, breathing deeply through her nose.

"You better rest, then." The nurse says softly, pushing lightly at the pillow to position it right under Lisa's head from its previous lopsided position.

Her loose hair brushes Lisa's face as she moves forward and Lisa closes her eyes, breathing in the scent of a halfway point between honey and jasmine.


"I never got your name." Lisa says drowsily and hears a faint giggle.

"I'm Jennie." The nurse says but by then, Lisa has already passed out.

words in pink // jenlisa oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now