rain - her favourite weather

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Tags: rain, heartache, separation

Lisa quickly goes to press the power window switch as a very mechanical buzz is heard from the car window going up but stops mid with a muffled crack

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Lisa quickly goes to press the power window switch as a very mechanical buzz is heard from the car window going up but stops mid with a muffled crack.
A tiny drop of water smears over her snowcoat as she breathes in deeply, her panic slowly dissipating.

Rain - her favourite weather. And no, she wasn't thinking of herself. She was thinking of her. Jennie.

"Jennie." She whispers into the chill air, closing her eyes, trying to envision the face of that beautiful girl she had once been in love with.

Lisa sees those raven locks of silk hair, droplets occupying them, making the already surreal girl look all the more angelic. Her heart clenches in her chest as she thinks of a drier Jennie, flush against her skin under that comforter that also smelled like Jennie, the coffee sleeve clutched in her hand now recreating that same warmth she felt everytime she was holding Jennie in her arms.

She can feel and hear the raindrops hit the now fully rolled down window and bounce off onto her skin. Her face feels wet in no time. Rain, she thinks initially, but is later startled by the warmth seeping down her rather cold face. Tears, she now thinks. Tears like the ones she had caught with her lips from Jennie's cheek that moment they had murmured quiet I love you's to each other for the first time. But tears, more so like the ones she had shed every other time it rained since the grace of Jennie being in her life had been snatched away from her, resonated with this yet another time of crying over rain.

She scoffs - isn't the sky doing enough crying already?

It's not long before the rain stops (not before she bitterly thinks it was a plot against her by the Universe to make her cry), and the sun peeks through the fluffier clouds - her favourite kind of weather. Yes, she thinks of her own favourite this time. As she sips her latte, she can't help but feel a little disappointed, not because of the lack of the silky texture of the beverage as much as she would want, but because of the sun coming up. She must be crazy, she thinks of herself and shakes her head, placing the cup sleeve beside her seat.

She grips her steering wheel and exhales.

She really shouldn't be thinking of Jennie.

Jennie's gone.

She's never coming back.

No one comes back from the other side.

A/N: It's kind of short, but this was a little difficult for me because putting your emotions into words is well, nothing short of difficult (even impossible, really). But I hope you're enjoying! <333

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