one | gon

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Right now Gon should be focused on a lot of things. Like the fact that he and Killua just skipped class to get snacks and sit on their favorite stone wall. Or that Kurapika and Leorio are probably out for blood, since they most likely knew the two boys were cutting class, and they hate it when they skip. Or maybe that they should most definitely be studying for the test they just skipped their last period to avoid. 

Instead he's looking at Killua because he just threw his head back and laughed at something Gon had just said. Carefree, wild hair blowing in the light autumn breeze, nose scrunched. Gon blushed and looked away. 

"Gon, you are so fucking weird, how are you even alive?" He asked. 

Gon smiled. "I'm not weird, I'm just funny, not that you'd know anything about that."

"Shut up, I'll push you off this wall." Killua lifted up his hands, Gon screeched and moved away from him.

"Hey! Don't kid, you almost made me drop my chips Killua!" 

Killua laughed again. Gon smiled at him before settling back down next to him and continuing to eat his snacks. 

Gon doesn't know where his sudden crush on Killua came from. They'd been best friends for two years at this point, and never once had Gon looked at Killua as anything but a friend, but for some reason this last summer before school started Gon felt a sudden need to be closer to Killua. Whenever they were together he'd sit closer than before, or when he slept over Gon offered that they'd both sleep on his bed despite the fact Killua had spent every other night at Gon's house on the floor. 

Gon found himself staring at Killua more, or wanted to hold his hand, or hug him. He complimented him a lot more, he'd always compliment Killua, however he'd started doing it more when he noticed the blush that would settle on his face when he did. He'd always look away and call him embarrassing for saying things like that. Gon thought it was cute. He'd always know that Killua was pretty, with his cat-like blue eyes, wild platinum blonde messy hair and cool fashion sense. But now whenever he looked at him all he could think was beautiful, stunning, gorgeous, adorable. 

Gon just doesn't know when this happened and he's confused by it, but he doesn't mind it. The fuzzy feeling that he feels now whenever he's around Killua is almost euphoric, better than any other drug in the world. 

Killua shoved his face with another candy bar. "Do you think Kurapika and Leorio will find us?" 

Gon shrugged. "Maybe after class ends, I highly doubt they'll skip the test just to come after us, speaking of shouldn't we be studying?" 

Killua snorted. "I think you mean shouldn't you be studying, I'm good at math, you still need to count on your fingers."

Gon frowned. "Aw come on Killua, help me pleassse, I don't wanna fail and be sad Killua, do you wanna see me sad, will that make you happy Killua?" 

Killua groaned. "You're soo annoying, but I'll help, only cause you bought me snacks."

"Yeah!" Gon wrapped his arms around his friend. "Thanks Killua, you're the best!" 

Killua turned his head away from Gon, but not before he could see his cheeks pink. "Yeah whatever, let's just get started, I have the study guide we can go over it together." 

They sat close together while Killua explained functions and inequalities. As he talked Gon's brain went a hundred miles an hour. Killua was smart as they come, he passed all his classes with flying colors, while Gon is sure the only reason he passed is because all his friends are geniuses. Even Leorio, the guy who Gon once saw almost eat a turtle because he thought it was a hamburger while drunk, buckles down when it comes to school, he wants to be a doctor after all. 

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