597 23 42

{ Anaela }

I woke up feeling complete coldness across my entire body. My eyes snapped open and I realized that I had been in the end of a bad dream. My sweaty body was shivering in the dense air conditioning of the mansion. I slipped out of bed and went to the bathroom a part of my room. It was even colder in here and the dark colored tiles along the floors were almost unseeable in the night.

My feet padded across the flooring to the sink and I waited for the freezing cold water to turn hot. I ran my fingers through the reassuring stream. I'm awake. I know that now. My blinks took long seconds as I settled into awakeness. What even was the meaning of that dream? I barely could decipher the random jumbled pictures and feelings I experienced in my sleep.

I heard noise in the kitchen.

I shut the water off and walked with my arms crossed over my freezing upper half downstairs and through the halls. It was just Valentine getting something to drink out of the fridge. She looked up as she heard me approaching. I tiredly watched her prepare her drink then glance over at me.

"You making your own drink?"

I tiredly looked at her then shook myself awake mentally. "Yeah," I answered slowly, my brain still warming up to use. I shuffled into the kitchen in some house socks, going to peek at what my mother had stocked it with. Some organic nonsense I hadn't even seen a commercial for.

I grabbed the orange juice gallon and poured it into a cup Valentine sat out for me. She looked like a different person half awake. I feel like we both felt more wild and energized but at bay. Her hair was a mess of locs with the roots grown out, while my skin was an oily disaster.

Without saying a word, Valentine lead me to the dining room table and we sat next to each other at a table corner. She sipped her drink, staring at the table with a sleep deprived gaze. My mind wandered as I looked at her. Had I been too harsh on her after she apologized for planning to sabotage me? Would Valentine make a legit friend? Was this all my fault for being too naive?

"I know what you're thinking," she said in a sleepy voice. My pussy throbbed. She had that sleepy stud voice that made fems go crazy. I guess I was a fem tonight. Tonight? This morning? Who knows.

"What is that?" I almost whispered, sounding like a curious, young child.

"That I'm a bad person." She looked up at me. My heart melted a bit. The dark circles under her eyes, the openness in them. "I'm a good person, I've always tried to be. It's just my environment." Was she going to have a mental breakdown?

"I've forgiven you, Valentine. Why do you keep apologizing?" I asked genuinely, bringing my cup to my lips. "Because it's eating me up inside," she answered in her rough voice. "Because I care about you."

I started to stand up, shaking my head. I could already see where this was going. "Valentine, I'm not doing this with someone again. I don't do relationships. I think I know what you're about to say and I just- I just can't, Valentine."

"Give me a chance," she pleaded softly, forcing me to look into her teary eyes.

"I barely feel like I can trust you as a friend, Valentine. Why would I put my heart in danger?"

"Because it's worth it," she whispered back.

The silence almost made my ears pop; it was deafening. I heard the rustle of large plants outside the house moving in the midnight breeze. I saw the moon looking in on our conversation through the fancy white blinds.

"What do I mean to you, Valentine? I don't know shit about you."

"You know that I have a good heart. That I'm helping Dom and I always will. That I care about you, that I'm here now. That before I knew what you could offer, I treated you the same-

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