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{ Anaela }

I watched Pouty tell the others that she was moving away, and everything became even more real. Pouty was actually leaving. And then Dom shows up after we haven't seen her since tenth grade. And with some random woman at that. A stud.

As everyone cried and hugged, I went over to the woman. She didn't look much older than us but everything about her screamed experienced. My mind wondered off and I reigned it back in. Right now my friends and I were grieving about Pouty moving away.

"I'm Anaela," I held out my hand.


"But call you Tino," I finished. I let go of her hand and looked her up and down. "You tryna get my friend into trouble? Has it been you keeping her away from her family all these years."

"Family?" the stud questioned, amused.

"Yes, we're all a family here. Except you," I poked her in the chest. "Watch out little girl before Daddy gives you a spanking," she said with a devilish smirk.

"I'm 17. How old are you? 25?" I said, disgusted by her mannerisms.

"I'm 19," the stud frowned. "It used to be a blessing to look older and now it sucks.l," she murmured to herself.

"Hmph," I folded my arms across my chest, "Pedo," I declared.

"I'm not a pedophile. I was joking around- Ugh, look, hurry up and end this get together so me and Dom can go home."

I cocked my head, "Dom isn't going anywhere with you. She's staying here with me. At my house."

The stud chuckled, "Ha. Your house? Sweetheart, ya mama or ya daddy pays for this crib. Not you. And it's not allat to flaunt anyways," she commented. I didn't let her words phase me, that's what she wanted- a reaction. "It actually is my house," I told her, although she was right about my mother paying for it. I wasn't going to give Miss Valentine the satisfaction of knowing that though.

"How do you know Dominique?" I asked.

The stud rose her brows, "Ah. So that's her name, figured Dom wasn't all."

"You must not know her well, to not know her full name," I commented, observing her. "Why aren't you in college? Do you have a job?"

"How did you know I wasn't in college," she chuckled. "I can smell a drug dealer a mile away. Or a hit woman," I said. "Hm, not as innocent as I thought," she commented.

"Nahh," I agreed, a fake smile plastered on my face. "What you been crying about?" she asked with a neutral expression, gesturing to face.

"Maybe past me knew I would see your face. Get tired of seeing your reflection?" I said in a sickly sweet tone. "You don't want me here, do you?" she purred. "No," I answered truthfully, backing up from her a little although she still sat down.

"Three year age differences is legal in Texas..is what I've heard," she commented nonchalantly.

"What? I-

My eyes widened and I wanted to slap her.

"Touch me and I'll stab you."

"Who said anything about you? Shorty with the pretty tears looks just fine to me. Even beautiful."

"One of the girls here is 15, the rest of us are 17 and one 18. You have some serious problems dude," I told her, pointing my finger in her face. "I was just joking. Take a joke," she rolled her eyes. I scoffed at her and went back over to my friends. People like her repulsed me.

Fallin' From The Tree (StemxStud)Where stories live. Discover now