25 | good listener

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, I know." He says.

"So.. because of him being unable to control his anger, he takes it out on Rio and other people." I add and he furrows his brows again. "So I suggested that because he has no real way to release his anger, that he could maybe do some boxing with you?"

He's silent for a few seconds which makes me rethink my suggestion. "So you want him to box as a way to release his anger instead of just having no control and taking it out on the people around him?" He asks and I nod, hesitant of what his response will be.

"Yeah, I mean.. he's only eleven but I just think that it would be good for him. Especially with you helping him. It can just be a thing for him to enjoy as well as being beneficial at the same time." I reply and his lips curl into a small smile.

"And this was your idea?" He asks and I smile, nodding awkwardly.

"No wonder Rio loves you so much." He chuckles as he runs his hand down the back of my head playfully.

A soft chuckle escapes my lips as I find myself blushing a little at the mention of Rio. A few years ago I wouldn't have even entertained the idea of my dad actually being content with me being in a relationship because he was adamant that no one would be good enough for me.

I didn't particularly agree with his thought process but at the end if the day, he's a very protective man, husband and father, so I can almost understand where he's coming from.

He's the same with Talon and Titan. Only wanting the best for us and making sure that we are all genuinely happy and not just settling because we have to.

Knowing that he's supportive of me and Rio genuinely means so much. He's content with our relationship and knows that I'm happy, and being treated well. That's all that matters. I mean, as a parent all you want is for your children to be happy.

I'm more than happy. I'm literally living on cloud nine.

"So.. will you do it?" I ask and he smiles at me.

"Of course I will." He agrees and I release an elated sigh. "I'm not therapist or anything, but I can help him project his built up anger into boxing instead. Show him a way to control it and make it a fun exercise instead of a teaching session."

"That would be amazing. Thank you dad." I chime as I pull him into a hug.

I just hope Knox actually agrees to it now.


"Oh my goodness! If it isn't the beautiful girl who changed our Rio for the better!" Mae exclaims as she opens her arms and pulls me into a warm hug.

Rio stands beside me, watching with a shy smile as I pull back from Mae's friendly embrace. His expression softens as he watches our interaction and it sends a warm, fuzzy feeling through my veins.

Mae's light hazel eyes flick between mine and Rio's as she steps back, allowing us to actually walk into her house.

I can hear Ellerie singing along to a song which I'm not entirely familiar with. Rio must sense my curiosity and leans down to my ear. "They're called BTS." He whispers and I press my lips together, trying not to laugh.

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