He bends down, adjusting a small leaver on the bottom of the chair when I notice something around his neck.

I narrow my eyes a little, zoning them in on the objects and when I realise what it is, my stomach erupts in hundreds of butterflies.

"Rio.." I mumble distantly and his forest eyes flick up to mine once again.


My mouth is open but no words are coming out. I'm in absolute awe. A mixture of shock and awe, but mostly complete and utter awe.

"Your chain.. has T on it." I point out, my voice almost sounding as a murmur it's that quite.

He glances down at the gold jewellery around his neck, smirking as he looks back towards me again. "Yeah, I know." He replies proudly. "Like it?"

My heart genuinely feels as though it could burst. I don't think it is physically possible to explain just how much I feel for this boy.

He's actually wearing a chain with my initial on it.

"When did you get that?" I ask, literally finding myself at a loss for words.

"A few days ago." He replies casually and I feel tears beginning to appear in my eyes, slowly clouding my vision.

He stands up from his swivel chair and makes his way towards me, his eyes not leaving mine as I told my head back, craning my neck up to continue looking at him.

"What?" He asks playfully, smiling down at me.

I shake my head with a grin on my face, folding my bottom lip over. "Nothing much. Just thinking bout how amazing you are."

He moves my legs apart but I wince at the sensation, Rio stopping almost immediately. "You still sore?" He asks as he furrows his brows and I hesitate before nodding my head slowly. "I'm sorry," he frowns as he kneels down in front of me.

"It's okay, it's not your fault." I assure him but he sighs, nodding his head.

"Yes it is. You should've told me that I was being too rough and I would've stopped." He says quietly, his eyes filling with guilt. "I never meant to hurt you."

I reach out and grab hold of his hand, gently tracing my thumb back and forth over his skin. "You didn't," I say. "I.. I liked it." I mumble, feeling myself growing more embarrassed by each passing second where he doesn't reply.

His head lifts back up and his eyes meet with mine, a small smirk playing on his plump lips. "Yeah?" He asks, his voice raising an octave.

"Yeah," I say, copying him and he begins to smile, his teeth making a rare appearance.

He lets out a small half-laugh, carefully running his hands along my thighs. "Do I need to find something else to call you now?" He says playfully. "Angelo isn't really cutting it anymore, you're proving me wrong more and more everyday."

I chuckle, my cheeks hurting through smiling so hard. "I like angelo." I admit and he lifts a dark brow, tilting his head slightly in amusement.

His phone beeps and he glances down at his pocket and takes it out, staring at the screen. I notice his eyes widen and he curses under his breath.

Stay For MeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ