🍏 14. What?

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She arrived to Tanya's place, along with Amethyst. It was going to be a lovely stay at Tanya's home for the summer holidays. Erica was going to spend her whole summer holidays at Tanya's place and Amethyst would be there for mostly of the time.

"Erica!! There you are! Welcome to my beach home! Mum!! Erica's here! She came way earlier than I expected! Thought Amethyst would come first!!!" Tanya shouted.

Mrs Viscount yelled,"I heard you sweetie! I'm not deaf!! Just because I'm in my late 30s, doesn't mean that I can't hear you that well!"

Erica just stands awkwardly as she watches Tanya and her mother having a shouting match. It soon ended quickly. Mrs Viscount welcomed,"Welcome, welcome! Tanya messaged me so much that you'll be coming over in the Holidays."

"You go spend time with your friend! I'll be making dinner! When the day is over, you could lead her to the guest bedroom!" Mrs Viscount instructed.

Tanya answered,"Will do, mum!! Erica come on! Let's go collect some seashells at the seashore! Follow me!" Erica followed, leaving her suitcases behind, for Mrs Viscount to put away in the guest room.

The pair were dashing to the shore but, it wasn't long until Mrs Viscount called,"Tanya!! Your other friend is here!!" Tanya then dragged Erica with her, to see Amethyst wearing a white shirt, jean jacket, lavender purple skirt, blue stockings and white Button shoes.

Amethyst had her hair down with a purple gem hair clip. She held her purple suitcase and politely greeted,"Hello Tanya and Erica. What will we be doing?"

"Wow.. Amethyst. You sure are fashionable for an eleven-year-old!" Erica commented in awe. Tanya added,"Are you really eleven years old? I'm currently doubting your age."

She responded,"I am eleven years old. My mum just has great fashion and forced me to wear this. She's an Wizarding World boutique owner. She owns Jewel's Lovely Boutique."

"Remind me that when we go to Diagon Alley, to go to your mother's boutique. The boutique sounds lovely, which makes sense since the name is Jewel's Lovely Boutique," Tanya says.

Amethyst replied,"Noted Viscount. What would we be doing in this fine sunny day of all time?" Erica asked,"Actually... What will we be doing, Tanya?"

"Hmm... Well, the beach isn't that pretty or clean. Let's just go watch some movies. You girls up for it?" Tanya suggests. Erica and Amethyst accepted the offer, without knowing that they'll be wasting an couple hours of their lives.

Mrs Viscount announced,"Dinner's ready!! Tanya, good news! Your dad caught a big catch today! Go sit in the dinner table!" The trio eagerly sat down whilst Mrs Viscount gently placed the food down.

"Oh! Tanya! You're here with your friends. Pleasure to meet you, Tanya's friends. I'm sure you guys know me. I'm Mr Viscount," the man at the table introduced.

Amethyst and Erica just nodded to each other and looked at Mr Viscount in confusion. He was too enthusiastic of an man. It creeped Amethyst and Erica out, with his introduction. The pair dully chorused,"Please to meet you, Mr Viscount..."

"So.. Tanya.. How was Hogwarts? You must of been popular. Is Fizshward doing alright?" Mrs Viscount mentions as she sat down. Tanya answered,"Fizsh is doing so well, mum! He's been loving the fish, dad catches. Hogwarts is amazing. I wish you could come!"

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