🍏 13. Conversations Of Nothing...

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Erica walked down the stairs, cautious to avoid any morning injuries. She then went to the Great Hall, which was surprisingly full of other students.

She decided to drop some buttered warm toast and some sausages on her plate. She then covered the sausages in gravy and then she added some peas onto her plate.

Erica started eating her morning breakfast with a side of a goblet filled to the brim with water. She heard many voices and cheers from crowds across the tables. It was music to her ears, to hear such joy dancing within conversations.

Tanya and Amethyst approached Erica and sat across from her. Tanya greeted,"Good morning! It's simply delightful, isn't it Erica?" Amethyst says,"Hello."

"Ah. The morning is lovely. Don't you ever love the beautiful mornings, Tanya and Amethyst?" Erica responded cheerfully as she smiled.

Tanya agreed,"Yes. Of course! I'm usually hanging around the Forbidden Forest when I'm done with breakfast but, unfortunately I've getting very preoccupied with things." Amethyst yawned,"No. I'm no morning person. Why must school be so early?"

"So... How is the Forbidden Forest doing right now?" Erica asked as she stabbed a fork into a sausage. Tanya replied,"I was hoping that you'd ask that. I found a cute family of foxes lurking around. There was one that is attached to me that I had to distract it with food, to get away."

Amethyst questioned,"Did you name the fox anything yet?" Tanya responded,"I named the cute little fox Fizsh."

"What kind of name is that? Tanya, I care for you but, that name is terrible," Amethyst stated honestly. "Out of all of the names in the world for a fox, you name it Fizsh?"

Tanya reasoned,"Well, I had to lure it away with fish, which is the fox's favourite food. I added the z into the word fish to make it sound more posh and original."

"I thought foxes prefer chicken over fish?" Erica pondered. "Looks like someone told a lie in Year Three. Can't believe this. Also, how on Hogwarts did you have some fish on you?"

She logically answered,"I mean.. My dad's a fisherman so, I sometimes steal some from him. He has so much that he didn't realise it. I carry the fish in plastic bags but, I don't throw the bags away. I just reuse them."

"Wait. That's the reason I smelled something fishy from you?" Amethyst asked. "You're telling me that you have dead fish in your pockets, right now?"

Tanya nodded as she carefully placed a bowl of porridge in front of her. She then began scooping up the soup with her spoon and blowing on the porridge.

Amethyst said,"So I've been hugging some dead fish like some months ago?! No offense to you Tanya but, I find it gross that I hugged some dead fish in your pockets." Tanya just nodded dully.

"Anyways, what is in the Forbidden Forest?" Erica asked being curious. Tanya responded,"There's Unicorns, Centaurs, Foxes, Deers and Hippogriffs. Unfortunately, I have never encountered a Werewolf but, there were some cute harmless Wolves."

Before anyone knew it, classes were starting. Erica, Tanya and Amethyst began dashing towards their Charms class, with a couple stampedes of students. Let's just say it was diffuclt.

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"For Salazar's sake! Move out of my way, loser!" A mean slytherin yelled as he pushed everyone out of his way. A gryffindor stood in the way and answered back,"No way! You're the biggest loser here!"

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