🍏 4. Panic!

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"Hello? Bludger to Erica? I think she's in flashback mode. What do we do?" Amethyst asked Tanya. Tanya shook her head and answered,"We should just shake her body to make her awake again. If that doesn't work, then we have to resort to gently shaking her shoulder or smack her head. Personally, I don't want to smack her head."

Amethyst shook Erica very hard, which didn't work. Tanya gently shook her shoulder but didn't succeed. She then proceeded to shake her should violently. Erica's attention was brought back.

"Oh hey guys. Sorry I was in flashback mode. Too many memories. Too many, I say. I'm still terrified of my sister," Erica replied. "Did class pass by or were we too early?"

Tanya pulled a sorry look and she said,"You kind of missed Transfiguration. The class did start but you missed everything, thanks to the flashback mode."

Erica's face turned white,"Oh no. I'm so going to be dead. My sister would continue to terrify me, my mum would kill me and my dad would give me bills to pay!" she panicked. "Even when I'm dead!"

"Chill out Acre. If your mum kills you before you receive bills and terrors from your dad and sister, you won't get any of it except the death of you," Amethyst called. "Yeah.. You're out of luck."

Tanya advised,"Erica don't listen to Amethyst except the first part about chilling out. Just meditate. We can do that in the Forbidden Forest afterschool."

"Wait a minute. Did you just say Forbidden Forest? We're gonna get killed if we meditate in there! Also, I may break some rules if I go in there!" Erica overreacted.

Tanya asked,"So? The forest is beautiful. It's not that dangerous. I've been in there several times when I was alone. I wasn't in the forest deep."

"I don't mind breaking a few rules but meditating is boring. I can't sit still for a minute I say!" Amethyst pointed out. "Don't ask me to come with you both. Silence is terrible in my opinion."

They all separate from each other, wanting some spare time. "I need a fan, not a person fan but an object fan. I need to cool down," Erica muttered quietly as she marched through the hallways.

She was in front of the portrait in the Gryffindor Tower. Erica says,"Snap Print," which opened the entrance to the tower. She then proceeded to search for the black fan she packed for emergency. Erica went searching for it.

Unfortunately for her, the fan wasn't there. The girl panicked more, she dived down to the Common Room, searching everywhere from moving the cushions, to looking under the couches. Erica suspected someone must of stole it when she sadly walked her way to Charms.

She sat down and focused on Charms. It was rather a difficult thing to do since she lost her fan. The greatest item to calm her down when she's panicking. Erica held a frown throughout the lesson.

She was on high alert when someone touched her shoulder. Her eyes see Derrick so she calmed down a bit. "O-Oh. Sorry Derrick. I've been busy over my own conflicts that I didn't spend much time with you," she uttered.

"It's alright, Erica but I'm worried for you. Is something wrong?" Derrick questioned. "You look pretty ghostly."
"You see, I lost my emergency fan for panic attacks. I'm currently panicking even more without it. Losing it causes more panic for me," Erica responded.

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