🍏 6. Oddment.

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Erica's mind wandered off. Something feels wrong. Erica felt something is wrong at home but can't think of why. She guessed a little that it may be her nightmare but, it can't come true since mum and dad's relationship is great and Dominica doesn't cry easily. She then stopped thinking about it.

"Hello? Erica? She's going pale guys, I think she's suffering from some disease to make her this pale," a voice echoed.
"Shut it Tanya! Our best friend is not dying today from being pale!" another voice retorted.

Then, another voice echoed,"Amethyst, calm down! It's not as if she's suffering from a incurable disease. For all we know, it may not be even a disease."

Erica suddenly felt a violent shook on her body and her conscious was back in reality. "Oh sorry guys. I've just been doing some mind wandering. I just feel something's off in my home," she apologised.

"Oh. So, that's what been going on in your head.. Alright. When the Christmas Holidays come, make sure to send us letters otherwise we're going to have to use violent force to break into your house to check on you," Tanya replied calmly.

Amethyst's face was shocked. She had never imagined that she would see the day where Tanya would joke. "Oh my gosh. I can't believe this. Tanya. You're joking around. I didn't believe I would live to see this day happen," she exaggerated.

"Seriously Amy, it's no big deal. I just wanted to change the pace a bit," Tanya responded. "Besides, Christmas is coming soon and holidays are as well. I can't imagine all the fun everyone's going to have in Christmas!"

Natasha commented,"Tanya. It's too stereotypical to assume everyone's going to have fun during the Holidays. People could be the Scrooge for all we know or they're a boring person."

"Now that I think about it, you are correct Natasha but, let's not think about this negative stuff in people's life. I wouldn't want to suddenly someone's terrible life at home, now do I? Especially when that is private," Tanya responded as she wrote something on a piece of parchment.

Natasha nervously nodded whilst Erica and Amethyst agreed with Tanya. "To be honest, I personally agree. I would find it disturbing that you suddenly guessed that my sister is living with strangers right now and they're sleeping in the basement. Not that it would happen," Erica says as she tied her hair up.

"Are you a time traveler Erica? I swear, the moment you say something, it comes true," Amethyst uttered concerned. "The moment you joke about something, the moment it comes true."

Erica laughed. "Seriously Amy? Since when has anything I said come true? You really know how to make a girl laugh."
"Actually... You're right Erica. Nothing has been confirmed yet. However, I'm still holding onto my theory that you are a time traveler," Amethyst answered back. "Sure.." Erica replied still laughing.

The best friends all laughed in the Gryffindor common room. Let's go over to see how Dominica was doing.

"It was great meeting you Dominica! I was getting tired of hanging out with my two brothers. I'm Janette Jaben," the girl greeted and curtseyed before Dominica said anything. "Oh. Nice to meet you. I'm Dominica Acre. Glad to make your aquantice, Jane," Dominica replied.

The girl then proceeded to get out of the doorway and entered the living room. There, revealed two boys behind her. Dominica assumed they were her brothers. "I'm guessing you heard my introduction?" Dominica asked as she raised her eyebrow.
The two nodded in sync, with a blank expression.

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