🍏 3. Quidditch.

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"Come on Derrick! I've been waiting for like four hours for you to get your friends together for this whole ordeal," Erica chanted as she faced Derrick's back of his head.

Derrick responded calmly, "It's only been five minutes Erica. It's not like the Quidditch Team finishes their training in five minutes. That would be like class lasting a minute."

"We've been waiting so long though! I may miss the good part," Erica dramatically hollered.
"Oh please, Erica. It's not like the Quidditch Matches. The Adrenaline in a practice is only a tenth of a official match's," Derrick pointed out.

She pouted, crossed her arms and turned her head as Derrick looked at every direction to find his friends. Once he witnessed his three friends approaching, he greeted them happily. Erica then realised people were here so, she turned her attitude off and introduced herself.

"You must be Derrick's friends that he mentions once. Nice to meet you all. I'm Erica Acre. No need to be formal," she says as she gave them her hand to shake.

The guy with black hair and green eyes introduced himself as Charlie Forest. Another called Jayden Pitcher, who had brown hair with black eyes. Finally, there was Damien Rays.

The five spent time watching the quidditch practices, which were fun. Erica watched the team members dive around the sky with excitement written all over her face. She always dreamt of being apart of the quidditch team, being one of them to soar across the sky like an eagle and be a chaser. It was a sincere dream of hers.

When practice was done, she sprinted to the girls dorm to talk to Tanya and Amethyst about her recent experience. After all, since the people she was with had seen it so, she figured to tell her best friends about it.

Luckily, she found Tanya reading on her bed all hunched up and Amethyst drawing in a purple notebook with her name, "Amethyst Tone." When the duo noticed that Erica came rushing in, they both coincidentally yelled, "What's so urgent?"

"Nothing. I just wanted to tell you both about the quidditch practice I just watched. Just want to spread my cheery mood, ya get me?" Erica replied sweetly before her best friends sighed in relief.

Tanya questioned,"I don't get it Erica why you are so excited by practices. I mean they aren't as exciting as the matches. Although, I never fancied the sport and would mostly just curl up in bed and read."

"I agree with Viscount on the first part but I would rather be outside more after all, imagine being stuck inside all day in 10 years. I would love to get more fresh air before that ever happens," Amethyst sighed.

Erica raised her eyebrow in confusion and muttered,"Why do I feel like she's breaking the fourth wall?"

"Hey! I heard that Acre! I was just saying that one day we may not be able to breathe air or interact with people!" Tone argued.

Erica still not convinced just shook her head in disbelief and began to chat about the practice to her friends. The pair half listened and continued to do things they were doing all at one. However, the pair both can agree that Erica was a huge fan of Quidditch and her eyes would lit up anytime when the topic was mentioned.

After Erica was done, she spent time with her best friends writing, doing homework and creating art. "Seriously, how in the world do you two manage to complete the Charms Homework? It's too difficult for me!" Tanya whined.

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