🍏 5. Family!

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"Confetti, can you check on Erica? I've been dying to see and tease her. Here's the message. I, the Great Dominica Acre the First miss your presence and is planning plenty of schemes that will make you shout,'Dominica!' So, prepare yourself when Christmas comes!" Dominica requested to Confetti, who apparated as soon as she finished speaking.

Mrs Acre commanded,"Minnie! Dearie! Could you stay in your room until I say you could leave? There will no Confetti for a week if you leave your room!"

Dominica groaned and walked to her room. She hated that her mother told her to go to her room for the past two weeks. It was some daily meetings with three to five people in their cottage. She tried to eavesdrop on those but it was impossible since someone had placed some Charm.

Let's go back to Erica, who's being woken up by Confetti at this moment.

"Confetti? What are you doing here?" Erica asked. "It better not be another message from my little sister."
"Is this going to be daily, Erica?" Tanya yawned as she was woken up by Erica's voice.

"Erica, this is Dominica's message. 'I, the Great Dominica Acre the First miss your presence and is planning plenty of schemes that will make you shout,"Dominica!" So, prepare yourself when Christmas comes!'" the house elf recited.

Erica face palmed and uttered,"Confetti, just tell her that I'm not going back if that happens and if she doesn't accept it then, say that she'll be ripped apart and fed to our four owls."
Confetti then apparated away to give Dominica the response.
"Does all the Acres threaten each other multiple times? I swear, I could get a Sickle every time they threaten each other then, I'll be a millionaire," Tanya pointed out.

"Yeah.. That's true. I'm surprised that Dominica is the only that doesn't threaten her family members," Natasha exclaimed. "Considering she's the most mischievous."

Tanya looked at Natasha and raised her eyebrow in confusion. "Sorry. Who are you? I'm Tanya Viscount," she says as she rubbed her eyes.

"Natasha Denim, pleasure to meet you," Natasha greeted. "Although, I do admit that this dorm is lively and is never dull."
Tanya responded,"Agreed."

Erica argued,"Oh please! We don't threaten each other at all! Besides I don't believe my little sister doesn't threaten her family's life even once! It's in the genetics of the family!"
"Oh. I totally believe you Erica. I totally do," Tanya replied sarcastically.

"Now that I think about, Reese does threaten Evelyn a bit too much," Natasha mentioned. "You think their related, Viscount?"
"People threaten each other plenty of times before and they weren't related," Tanya assured. "There isn't much of a chance that their related. Reese's last name is Redwood so, they're not related."

Erica responded,"I have no Redwood in my family tree in the first place. My Uncle is clearly single as a pringle and has no children."
"Now I think about it, where does your uncle live?" Natasha asked.
"I believe London? Or was it Los Angeles?" Erica replied. "Actually why are you bringing up my uncle all of a sudden?"

"We're just curious. That is all,"Tanya interrupted Natasha before she could say the words out of her mouth."Your family's very curious." Natasha agreed Ed as she nodded in approval.
"Really? I thought my family was pretty normal?" Erica remarked in confusion.

After that, days passed by and Erica found Duke. She happily hugged Duke despite his constant attempts to get out of the hug. It was clear as day that the cat obviously hated the girl.
She carried the cat everywhere with her that wasn't class and often brushed his fur and fed him.

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