Chapter Eleven

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A single tear escaped my eyes and fell on to her lifeless body. The cold air pierced my skin through my black dress and sweater. I could hear Claire sobbing, her mother holding her close. Slowly I moved away from the open casket and sat down on a cold hard chair.
I never imagined this would happen. That someone as strong as her would do this. She always seemed so happy, so carefree. But maybe I was wrong. "Ashlynn," I whispered. "I'm so sorry."

The next day at school everything was different. Wrong. No one laughed, no one talked. In the morning announcements we had a moment of silence for Ashlynn. Everyone kept their heads down. Claire was absent, and no one blamed her. So many tears were spilt that day you'd think the school had flooded. The grief counselors roamed the halls but also visited each class. It was as if Ashlynn took everyone with her when she died. No amount of words or tears could change what had happened. Ashlynn was gone, and nothing would ever be the same again.

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