Chapter Five Lilly

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I was falling. But yet, I wasn't. The ocean was getting closer and I could feel the drops of water in my face. But at the same time, I felt myself being lifted from the air. Suddenly the water disappeared and I fell deep into a black abyss.

My eyes flew open right before I hit the ground. Groaning I rolled over onto my back, staring at my ceiling. My hands stung from the impact of the floor on my palms. I wiped my face to see I was crying in my sleep. My black hair was tangled and my blues eyes were now red and my face blotched. I breathed deeply for several minutes before standing up to grab my jacket. Pulling my sleeves down to cover the scars on my wrists I unlocked my door and went to the kitchen. Grabbing an uncooked bagel I sulked back to my room. I finally looked at the clock, only to see that it was 6:37. I had about an hour before I had to leave for school. I pulled out my notebook and continued writing about the animal writing prompt. I had already turned it in but I had so many ideas I couldn't let them go to waste! I turned the page to see the piece ripped out by Claire. Sighing in anger I grabbed my phone and saw several notifications. Unfortunately, they were all about that stupid rumor going around. Finally it happened. I was tired of being made fun of! I laid back down on my bed and grasped my phone tighter, turning my knuckles white. Another notification, this time it was Ashlynn. Gritting my teeth together I started typing. I wasn't going to let this happen. Not to me.

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