Chapter Two Ashlynn

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Quickly I glanced at the clock while applying my mascara. 7:43. I was going to be late. Hurrying I grabbed my purse and left for school.
"Ashlynn! Ashlynn, oh my gosh you have to hear this!" Claire hopped in my car as she did every morning. I smiled, hoping she couldn't see how jealous I was. Claire was gorgeous. Her brown hair fell like a waterfall down her back. Her make up was applied so perfectly, and she had pearly white teeth. Her white and coral shirt framed her tiny body perfectly as if it was made for her, and her navy blue skirt flowed to her almost knees. "What is it?" I asked, smiling at her sweetly. "You know Lilly Hogins? That girl who is always writing stuff?" Claire looked at me hopefully, and I couldn't help but laugh. "Of course! What about her?" Claire continued her story. "Well there is a rumor going around school that she wrote a letter to Mr. Jefferey telling him he had to raise her grade to an A or her parents would tell everyone about his "little secret". I have no idea what that means but I'm dying to find out!" I sighed. Claire was her best friend, but sometimes she could be a bit oblivious.

"I'll be right back." I whispered quietly into Claire's ears. She nodded and turned back to the group of people who were eagerly listening to her story about Lilly. Lunch was everyone's favorite part if the day. Well, almost everyone's. After devouring a salad for half an hour my stomach began to churn. After checking to make sure no one else was in the bathroom I locked myself in a stall. Sighing, I turned and slid down the door on my back. After about a minute if just breathing I stood up and kick my purse against the wall. Looking down I let a single tear fall down my check before getting on my knees. Pulling back my hair, I grabbed a bottle of hand sanitizer from my purse. After scrubbing in the sanitizer, I slowly leaned over the toilet. I usually didn't do this at school. I hardly ever did actually. But I had to. Slowly I pushed my pointer finger to the back of my mouth. My gag reflex went off and I leaned further over the toilet.

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