Chapter One Lilly

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All it took was one click. One click before I lost everything. One click before I watched the world crumble on top of me. One click, only one, before my life was ruined.

I kept my head down as I walked past them. They never stopped, it seemed. I sighed as I walked into English. Sitting at my usual seat, the far right corner by the window behind Tyler Jackson, I watched as they strutted in. Three in total. One: Ashlynn Paige. Prettiest and most popular girl in school. Her blonde hair was cascading down her back in loose curls. A golden braid laid in the midst of her perfect locks, making her look like one of those goddesses we learned about in mythology. Her eyelashes were the kind every girl wanted. Long, thick, dark. From underneath, two bright green eyes shone. Her lips wore a dark red, which made her eyes look even brighter. She only wore the newest clothes, meaning she was indeed rich. Today she modeled a cream colored silk polo and a burgundy skirt that ended about an inch above her knees . As she moved through the room you could her the clicked of her burgundy stilettos on the tile floor. Two: Claire Evans. The two are best friends. Completely inseparable. Claire look extremely similar to Ashlynn. Both were a size two. Both had long hair, though Claire's was straightened. Both had perfectly made up faces. Claire's hair was light brown though, and her eyes a deep blue. Today she wore a coral and white stripped top and a navy skirt the same length as Ashlynn's. Third: Cece Collins. Honestly no one liked Cece. Gosh, even I was more popular than her! She followed Ashlynn and Claire around like a puppy following their owner, but unfortunately Ashlynn and Claire weren't fans of that. The two completely ignored her. But I couldn't blame them. Cece was not someone you wanted to be friends with. She had slept with about five guys in the same month, and none of them new that she was with any one else When one claimed she gave him an STD, Cece's life was ruined. The whole school soon knew and everyone ignored her for about a month. Slowly it got worse. Instead of ignoring her, all the guys decided to treat her like she carried the Black Plague. When she walked down the halls everyone moved to the sides to avoid her. Some of the football players threw pieces of their lunch at her. One day she came into math and was smacked in the face by a football. Some people laughed but soon turned back to their work. Cece though screamed and so did all the other girls when they saw the blood oozing out of her nose. Mrs. Snow, the math teacher, quickly rushed her down to the office, only to return later to inform us that her nose was broken. The school councilor looked into who had thrown the football, but since no one spoke up and no one saw who threw it, she soon dropped the case, letting us know that if this ever happened again the whole class would be suspended. I cringed as I remember the pile of blood that covered the floor.
Ashlynn and Claire sat down in their spots, in the opposite corner of me, as Cece headed to the front. A piece of what looked like beef flew out of the air and hit her in the head, and the class broke into laughter. I sighed as I looked at my assignment. I could still hear Ashlynn and Claire whispering and giggling, and looked up to see the staring at me. They immediately looked away and giggled quietly to themselves.
I picked up my pencil and began to write. English was my favorite class. Writing made me feel free. I could say or do or be anything! On the board was today's prompt - 30 YEARS INTO THE FUTURE, ALL ANIMALS HAVE BEEN REMOVED FROM THE FACE OF THE EARTH. ONE DAY YOU ARE WALKING HOME WHEN YOU HEAR A STANGE NOISE COMING FROM AN ALLEY WAY. YOU TURN AROUND SLOWLY TO SEE A FURRY CREATURE THAT OBVIOUSLY ISN'T HUMAN. CONTINUE THE STORY. My mind starting churning. Ideas of the story I would write twirled and danced around my mind, and soon the words flowed down my arms and onto the paper. By the time the bell rung I had five pages of a story written down. As I handed my papers to Mr. McCalister, I heard Claire and Ashlynn snickering behind me. Sighing I walked down the hallway to the doors. School was finally over, but they pain didn't end there.

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