with a shrinking nose in disgust, she put a glass side over her lips and gulped it down in one go.

" Done," she said with a crying face and to lighten her mood I kissed her forehead to bring her happy smile over her face back.

I help her in climbing down from her chair. She said goodbye to others with kisses.

I hold her hand in mine one and the other her school bag with a water bottle.

I placed her carefully on the back seat of the car and sit beside her to drop her at her school since she is pleading with me to drop her at her school.

Seating in the car was the toughest task for me because my feminine part cried in pain when I set on the seat. My intimate part is sore and reddish due to the previous night's rough sex.

However, the seat is comfy and soft but my condition is the one that is not coping with comfort.


I came back in hell after dropping Oni at her school. She doesn't go on the school bus like other kids because she has a history of having a fight on the school bus with her classmate over her seat. As we all know whose daughter she is so, her father hired a driver for her to drop and pick her up from the school.

As expected the ride with Oni to her school wasn't boring because on the way she explained to me about someplace which were her classmates' houses or her favourite park or her teacher house or something related to her favourite candy shop. However, back to home journey was all silent.

It's already eight something in the morning so, my next work is to clean every washroom.

I climbed down from the car when the driver stopped it in front of the entrance gate. I climbed on the staircase since the main door was already opened so I walk in to see no one is at home except the helpers' staff.

Since the head in charge of maid staff was shouting like ' Finish work early before the evening if master or mistress was here they would have fired you all for your laziness '. I understood I too should hurry to my work before coming into her eyes.

" Hey come here. Go in the cleaning chamber and take the things to clean rooms and washrooms " the head in charge said to me, literally shouting informally.

" Okay," I said but stopped when I realised that I don't know where it is?

" Excuse me can you please show me where is cleaning room chamber, " I asked help from one maid who was wiping the hall floor.

She nodded her head and showed me the way. I silently followed her. I looked around to remember the way as the mansion is quite massive to remember every corner in one day is impossible. We passed the living hall after that we came near the backyard area of the Singh residence.
She opened a door from where we went in an undergrounded hall which has everything,  whatever we need to live in our life, like from Grain to clothes, everything!

Clothes materials are stock here. ohhhh yaa my mother-in-law is a fashion designer so, it's probably her pieces of stuff stock here for her use.
Wine bottles are stocked here and in other breweries for part and functions.

" Here are the things which you need right now," she said showing me a chamber where cleaning kinds of stuff is placed.

I took one bucket, viper, brush, liquid to clean and mop.

" Thank you " I thanked her with a small smile which she returned and we both walked out.

First I walk into oni's room to clean her room. To my surprise, her room is not that messy. Therefore, I think it will take merely fifteen minutes.
I walk into my in-law's bedroom their room is the same all neat and clean. I changed the bedsheet with pillow covers. Some papers are laying on the table which has clothed new design sketches.
I looked at them and wondered how they can even draw their imagination on paper and made it real also.

Felon Identity - 1 (Available On Goodnovel)Where stories live. Discover now