She frowns momentarily, then smiles as if she realized something, "We're fine. I'm sorry I thought you two slept with each other. It was rash of me, I just-"

"Didn't want Derek to treat you like every other girl right?" I finished for her.

I've known Derek for a long time, and he's always been a charming low-key player. He had everything for a girl, and he was boyfriend material.

Jess nodded, "I know Derek has history and he wasn't the best guy in the past, and I'm honestly just scared."


"I care about him, a lot. He's like my life line." I smile at the words, "And I think I'm actually falling in love with him, I'm just scared that he might just wake up and think I'm not the one he wants anymore."

"Jess, you heard everything he said yesterday?" She nods, "And you know he cares about you? She nods again, "From a friend to you, I'm going to have to let you know that Derek would never do anything like that."

Jess kept quiet, and I continued, "Jessica, Derek is a good guy, and if he really wants someone, he won't give up on them. I know he loves you, I just know it."

"You think?"

"I'm sure of it." I encourage her.

She gives me a hug and thanks me before running off to go talk to Kim. Derek came to me, looking concerned as hell.

"What was up with you two?"

"She just told me that she was sorry, and she was a little scared that you'd play her." Derek frowned and I rearranged my words, "What I mean is that she's concerned."

"But Cece, I told you that I love-"

"I know, she's just concerned, like I was when I first began dating you." His facial features softened, "And I guess that is gonna face away, just like how my doubt did fade away."

"Oh." He brushed it off, "We need to talk, it's urgent."

We move away and get back to the tables, taking a seat. His hands are on the table, and I nervously fiddle with my fingers under the table.

"How's the bet going?"

"Derek, I think it's time I tell you something." I sigh, "I'm scared Yvonne might get mad if she finds out about the bet."

"Wait, what?"

"If she finds out, what happens next? She'll get upset and-"

"Cecelia, the bet was to tell her you like her, and if you don't want to do that, then you don't have to. I'm not going to force you." He says lowly, "Do what you want."

"But Derek, I want to win so badly. I don't care about the forcing part, what I'm concerned about is how I'm going to do if she finds out."

"I'm sure she won't get that mad, right?"

"The whole point is for her not to find out. But right now, I need to get Jameela off my back." I huff, "I'm not letting her mess with the plan. Help me please?"


"Help me analyze her character, might help me figure out her potential next move." I explain.

"Okay, from what I've seen, she's manipulative. She knows how to play with words, and she knows how to defend herself." Derek looked me up and down, "Most of the skills you lack."

"Thanks for reminding me of how much of a saint I am."

"Welcome. Now," He moved his hands off, "I overheard Jameela saying that she wants to make sure Yvonne doesn't spend anytime with you outside of your hotel room. She also said that Brandon was going to try and look up your instagram-"

"Hold up, that's stalking?" I looked at him shocked at the news I was hearing.

"I know, I was concerned too." He shrugs, "Now, the things we need to do; make sure you're by Yvonne through and through, and make sure she doesn't leave your sight, at all. Or maybe get her away from Jameela."

"I'll take the second one." I agreed with him, "I guess we're done here." I stood up.



"I think Jameela still has a lot up her sleeve. We should be careful."

I gave him a smirk, "I'll be alright."

Author's Note:
Hey guys! 22 Days is back!
Tell me what you think might happen down below!

And also, would you like a separate book about Derek and Jessica, Brandon and Jameela, or another book about Leon and Nate? Let me know down below!

This chapter may be short, but it's actually gonna be really important. Also, stay safe and mask up, COVID is real lads.

Signing off,

Tara ❤️

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