37. Banshee

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Quirk name:

Your oc can, sense when someone is near or upcoming towards their death once a person is within a 12ft radius of Oc the number of days they have left will be shown over the person's head.

But not just that your Oc has an incredible sense of hearing that can rival that of any fantasy creature, it never turns off. Your Oc has quicker healing than normal as well.

Finally, when Oc screamed or cries loudly they can create a sonic sound that can affect only those who cause a threat to themselves or loved ones.

Side effects:
Oc's throat can easily become dry and hard to speak, if they scream/cry with their quirk on for too long they can lose their voice for a certain time frame, also Oc is prone to headaches from being able to hear so much around them.

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