"that's Mike, July's older brother." Wrath-Master Wrath explains. 

"they look very much alike, but their accent-"

"yes, July has spent so long here that you can barely hear the accent he has, trust me, after they've spent an hour together, you won't understand a fucking word out of July's mouth the prat." he rolls his eyes at the end. i let out a breath and stand up. Master Wrath comes with me. holding my arm, but i'm okay.....my tummy hurts a bit tho. "come on, let's get you to bed." he sighs and i nod. 

he walks with me through the halls, people looking over to us. it feels scary, everyone's looking at me with looks Master would give me, not the heated looks, the dirty ones. ones that painted your thought in discust and self conciousness. i gulp and look down, subconciously walking closer to Master Wrath. "oii, Prozy, i take it y' found y' Daddy!" on guy shouts making me pout. i look to Master Wrath in question. 


"ignore them, Rain, their about to get their dicks cooked and fed to them!" he snarls, making them all shut up. 

we reach the apartment and Wrath comes in..."But i don't understnad what's to laugh about? I did found my daddy....or my daddy found me-"

"no Rain, theirs THAT Daddy, as in Father, but he didn't mean it that way, he meant it in a dirty way." he sighs and sets me down in bed. i scowl in thought before looking up, again in confusion. "Rain, i'm not-" he lets out a breath through his nose before sitting down, "Daddy is a term some people use during sex, preferebly those who like it rough and hard. some also get turned on by the word Daddy and it encourages them during sex, it's preferably kinky." he explains to me, going into teacher mode which makes me laugh, "w-why the fuck are you laughing?" he says confused and slightly frustrated. 

"you switched to teacher mode." i laugh. he huffs and shakes his head. "but i call my daddy, daddy....uh, my Father Daddy-"

"yeah, thats fine, until you turn it into something sexual and it might become a bit.....awkward." he nods. i blush and look to my hands. 

"i don't think i'ma call my dad daddy no more." i whisper. my ears going flat to my head shyly. he nods. "but....if that's what they meant, by the word Daddy-"

"they meant me, Rain." he groans, "i told you to just ignore it-"

"are you my Daddy in Kinky terms then?" i ask curiously.....he stares at me for a really long time. 

"JULY!" he shouts very loud making me squeak. he walks out the room, slamming the door, "JULY!" he snarls.........

"Master Wrath?" i get up and walk out the door to see him growling at July who looks like he's going to laugh, "if it helps, i don't like the word Daddy in that term, it feels wrong." i blush and he starest at me, then July breaks and burst out laughing. 

"Fuckin' hell!" i let out a scream when Wrath punches July making him scream. but the only thing i find to happen is Wrath's hand setting on fire....red fire. but Master Wrath has blue fire. i was told it was because he's Royalty. fancy. "Go on Daddy!" he laughs loudly as Master Wrath turns me back into the room. 

"my head hurts." i whimper. he hands me a glass of water, "but Master Wrath, now what happens if our babies call you Daddy and all i can think of that it's a Kinky thing-" i begin to cry and suddely July isn't laughing his ass off. Wrath sighs. 

"it's not a Kinky thing. because i am their Daddy, their Dad, Father, Papa, Dada, i don't care what they call me as long as it gives me recognision as their parent, it's not Kinky if it's from your son or daughter." he explains making me sniffle. okay, i understand that. he wipes my tears with a smile....

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