The next day, after tracking the two to their house, the group and other pedestrians were gathered around, everyone now knowing about America's powers. Two people has ventured inside, to retrieve the two, one to get Canada and the other to get America. The one getting America was 'protected' with some blessings, and the other wasn't, saying that the townsfolk thought he was just a unwilling accomplice.

Once the two came back, they had two specific, very freaked out colonies with them. Canada seemed tired, and was pretty drowsy, so probably just woke up, but that didn't mean he wasn't conscious. He was as scared and confused as America was, but was just a bit slower. America, on the other hand, was wide awake and was trying to get free, but he had his hands bound very tightly behind him. "Wait!-" America tried, but a gag was shoved into his mouth. "Be quiet, monster. We all know what demon you are, if it possessed you or not." A person from the crowd growled at him, making him flinch slightly by the tone. Everyone else, minus Canada, voiced their agreements, but Canada didn't stay quiet. "He isn't a demon or monster though! Let us go, now!" The person carrying him just sighed, shaking their head. "The witch has gotten to this one. He might not be too far gone, however, but before it can get to anymore people, we must kill it." This resulted in a uproar among the people, and the twins now understood what was happening.

((Warning starts here. I won't go into detail, but I do have to say this))

The two were taken to a clearing with a wooden contraption in the center, ropes falling from the top. The closer they got, America tried to get out and away, but to no avail. The townspeople for saw this, and needed to make sure he was.. dealt with.

America was placed on the ground of the contraption, and his wrist bounds were held by a person behind him, as to not let him escape. Then, a man at a podium besides them started to talk. They announced a trial, and started to ask America questions, to which he was told to nod or shake his head at, but they will remove the gag when necessary. America was pretty shaken but couldn't do much, other then agree with a weak nod. "Do you agree with the accusations of you using magic?" A nod. "Do you agree with the accusations of the people of being a witch of any sort?" A silent "no". "Take out the rag."

Alfred breathed deeply/coughed a couple times, and was looking away from everything, crying silently. "So, you do agree with using magic. Why were you?" America hesitated slightly. "I-i.... I didn't know p-people were there and... I wasn't going to hurt anybody! I was just m-messing around!" He stuttered out, and the 'judge' nodded. "Messing around? Interesting.. May we ask your fields?" America thought about what he meant, before sighing. "If I say I'll be seen worse then I am.. but... Elemental with strength I suppose." He mumbled, hoping nothing goes wrong. ((During that time, I should note, while doing some research, there was a 'little Ice Age' that caused economic strain and food shortages)) Some people in the crowd got angry at that. "He's causing the crops to fail!" A person shouted and furvur started among the mass. "Do you agree with this?" America shook his head. "N-no! I-I don't know why that's happening b-but I'm not causing it!" "Denying... Do you deny the other times food has gone scarce as well?" America nods.

The crowd continues to accuse Alfred of all the other things, and he tries to disprove them but dosen't really got the chance to. The end of the trial goes as follows. "So, do you plead innocent or guilty?" America shakes his head, crying still. "I'm not a witch.. I don't know why you think that..." He mumbled, barely able to be heard. "Innocent. Well, as the trial had gone, you were accused to many different things. Most of which, you weren't able to disprove. You are seen as guilty, does anybody disagree with this?" "I do! You didn't let him disprove anything! And if he is a witch, which I know he's not, what will this do?" A voice yelled out, and Canada was at the front, now not being carried.

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