In other words, it's going to take some more time before I was going to be up and ready to go once again.

The good thing about being unconscious for two months was that since I wasn't moving at all, that allowed for my injuries to heal a little bit quicker.

After three more weeks, I was able to stand up and walk around a bit.

The doctors told me that I was ready for my rehabilitation.

Most of my bandages were also removed by this time.

The downside to that was I completely missed the girls.

From the looks of things, I may be able to catch the last week of their scheduled promotions.

At least I was able to perform some of my administrative duties in between my rehabilitation sessions.


Another week went by quickly.

By this time, the girls have gotten an all-kill in the music shows, snagging the Number 1 spots at the Mnet M! Countdown and at the KBS Music Bank K-Chart.

And finally, I was discharged from the hospital, thanks to my surprising progress at rehab.

Although I could stand up and walk, albeit a bit gingerly, the nurse still gave me a crutch for support.

At least I didn't need two.

I obviously went straight home. It felt good to be back at my own place, which was surprisingly clean and organized.

I saw a note on my refrigerator.

"We hope that you don't mind that we invaded your dorm. The least we could do is to keep your place nice and tidy while you're in the hospital. Sorry we weren't able to visit you often, but we promise to prepare something special for you when you come back.We miss you so much. Hope you get well soon. We love you, Y/N Oppa!-Lots of love, NaJeongMoSaJiMiDaChaeTzu"

And then right there and then I heard my front door open, welcoming the boisterous sounds of lively girls chatting like nuts.

"Yah! Be careful with that one! It's fragile!"

"Unnie, can you help me with this one? It's a bit heavy."

"Are you sure we got everything we need?"

"I told you a million times, yes, we got everything!"

"I know you want this to be super duper extra special, but this is overdoing it!"

"There's no such thing as overdoing it! It's Y/N Oppa we're talking about here!"

"Hey! Be careful! You almost stepped on my foot there!"

"Sorry Unnie."

"Come on, girls! We still have lots to prepare for."

I turned around and simply said, "Hi girls."

That made all of them froze like statues with eyes wide open and jaws dropped.

"Y/N Oppa?" Mina managed to say after a few awkward seconds.

I smiled sheepishly, "Annyeong," and waved at them.

All nine of them screamed, "Y/N Oppa!!!!!!!!" and started stampeding towards me, their arms loaded with shopping bags.

That scared the out of me.

I thought I was going to be trampled over, but they all stopped right in front of me when they saw my crutch."Oh my goodness, Y/N Oppa, you're back!" Jihyo exclaimed.

All of them could barely contain their excitement.

"We missed you so much, Oppa!" Sana added.

"Pity you missed our comeback, Oppa." Jihyo said, "We really missed you out there."

"Yeah..." I replied, "But my ribs aren't fully healed yet, and I still have to walk with this crutch. The doctors said that I need a couple more weeks."

"Still, we're so relieved that you're back now, Oppa," Dahyun replied, "Mina and I were so distressed when we found out what happened to you. You were so badly injured while they were taking you to the hospital that we couldn't bear seeing you."

"It was just too much for us, Oppa," Mina added.

"Sorry you had to see that," I apologized.

"But no matter," Nayeon said, "The important thing is that you're back now, and we can all be together again soon." The others cheered in reply.

"But that kind of spoiled our surprise for you," Momo pouted.

"Yeah..." Jeongyeon agreed, "We were supposed to cook a grand meal and decorate your place for you, Oppa."

"We knew that you would be discharged from the hospital soon," Tzuyu explained, "So all of us decided to prepare a welcome back party for you. We just didn't know that you'll be back today."

That made me sheepish.

However, the girls agreed to continue on as planned, and started swarming all over my dorm.

Jeongyeon, Momo, Sana, Mina and Tzuyu were in charge of the meals while Nayeon, Jihyo, Dahyun, and Chaeyoung handled the decorations.

"Just sit down and let us work, Oppa," Nayeon winked at me.

I watched them as they happily prepared for my welcome back party.

Even though it has been more than five years since their debut and they are now in their early to mid-twenties, they were still like little girls at heart, running around with so much energy cooking, cleaning, and decorating.

They all finished in time for dinner. The girls prepared a very sumptuous feast.

The dining area was filled with balloons and a big streamer that said, "Welcome Back, Y/N Oppa! We Love You!"

And after this I'm back to my Daily Life as a Manager.

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