"The little girl... who is she?"

"Huh?" Irisu looked at him sharply "You mean Lucia?"

"Yes. Who is she?"

"Why do you want to know?"

"Nothing.... just something familiar."

"About Lucia??" Irisu tried to contain her surprise.

Irisu herself had no idea who Lucia really was, but it was odd that out of all the people here Jacob was the one who was asking about her.

"I don't know.... Maybe not her... " Jacob trailed off and then he got up slowly.

"Hey! Explain!"

"I don't know." he said with a shake of his head "Bye"

Jacob turned around and left and after a moment Irisu got up and stormed towards Jolly's lab.

"Hey! We need to talk!!" Irisu snapped loudly to catch Jolly's attention but she was pleasantly surprised as he turned around immediately.

"I wanted to talk about something too." he said.

"Good. You first."

"It's about Lucia."

"Coincidence. That's what I wanted to talk about too."

Jolly hesitated hearing her rather sharp tone.

"What did you want to say?" he asked immediately.

"Who is she Jolly? Where did she come from?"

"I thought you said you didn't want to know."

"I'll decide that." Irisu slammed her sketchbook on the table "Did you abduct her or something?!"

"What?!! No!!" Jolly inched away from her quickly. He had no idea why Irisu was interested in this all of a sudden but he knew if he didn't give her answers he would be in trouble.

"Irisu... I don't actually know."

"What do you mean? That orphanage is under your control right??"

"Um... yes... but the kids are abandoned there... or found by the caretaker."

"Aren't there any records?"


"Was Lucia found??"

"I don't know" said Jolly truthfully "What happened?"

"Nothing. Your turn."

Irisu propped herself on the table and motioned for Jolly to continue.

"You can't leave me hanging like that!!" Jolly was quite annoyed but Irisu shook her head and refused to explain.

"If I think you need to know I will say. Tell me what you wanted to say."

Jolly was silent for a second before he opened up a book and pointed at a page.

"I brought Lucia here because I thought she was the host of the High Priestess. But I'm not so sure now... "

"Why not?" Irisu looked at the markings on the page closely.

"I thought her stigmata will develop but so far nothing. I also did some research. The arcana is rather powerful. It is supposed to have an oracle-like skill according to these books and because of the vast nature of the power there's a good chance the High Priestess would not form a contract with someone so young."

"Wait! Isn't it supposed to be the other way around?!" Irisu was surprised to see Jolly shaking his head.

"Those who are born with an arcana are different. You and I, we made a forceful contract with an arcana. But take Felicita, for example, in her case the arcana is responsible for the contract."

The New Arcana Famiglia  [A La Storia Della Arcana Famiglia fanfiction]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora